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<br />Head Start April 3, 2008 7 <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Ms. Walvatne seconded to submit the following three <br />bids to the commission as a recommendation: Lloyd Sampson, Great Plains <br />Properties, with a bid of $123,000; Donald Kounovsky, bid $25,555.55; and <br />Kevin Bartram, Sterling Companies, Inc., with a bid of $25,000. Discussion: <br />Dr. Strom commented that the bid from Kevin Bartram is distinguished as he <br />offered information on plans for the south lots. Upon a roll call vote the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner asked Mr. Burdick to further research the word "sufficient" as stated in North <br />Dakota Century Code 11-27-03. Mr. Montplaisir asked the three bidders being <br />recommended to the commission for consideration, to provide additional information <br />regarding taxable value their project would bring to the tax base when completed. Dr. <br />Strom stated the building is on the Historic Register and would like information as to what <br />extent the property could be renovated and still maintain its' historic value. She is very <br />concerned with a contractor putting balconies on the building. The Cass County <br />Commission will address the recommendation on Monday April 7, 2008 at their 3:30 PM <br />meeting. <br /> <br />6. ADJOURNMENT <br />MOTION, passed <br />On motion by Mr. Montplaisir, seconded by Mr. Bennett and all voting <br />in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :35 PM. <br /> <br />Minutes prepared by Cindy Stoick, Principal Secretary <br />