County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-April 7, 2008 3346 <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to authorize the design and <br />construction of a modern roundabout at the intersection of Cass County <br />Highway 17 and Cass County Highway 6. Discussion: Mr. Pawluk is <br />concerned that signage for the roundabout will not be easily understood. <br />Mr. Berndt assured the commission the signs are distinctive. Mr. Pawluk <br />asked if the right-of-way will be marked. Mr. Berndt replied that on all <br />projects the right-of-way should be marked. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />10. COUNTY PURCHASE CARD POLICY, Contract and commission policv approved <br />Mr. Montplaisir stated the legislature passed a law that allows cities and counties to use <br />purchase cards. He has researched a number of companies taking into consideration the <br />ease of use, cost to the county and rebates. In 2007 Cass County issued approximately <br />9,000 checks. This is above and beyond payments already being transferred electronically. <br />Mr. Montplaisir is proposing implementing a purchase card program beginning with four <br />cards as a test program. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir introduced Jonna Bischoff, Wells Fargo, who gave a power point <br />presentation regarding a purchase card program. Ms. Bischoff stated that the use of <br />purchase cards reduces operation costs and improves accountability. Most transactions are <br />under $2,500 and represent 80% of time for processing. The cost of a manual transaction <br />can be over $67 per transaction. Benefits for the use of purchase cards include: no <br />purchase orders; no invoices; no need for three way reconciliation; receive a credit card on- <br />line expense report; supervisor approves on-line transactions; changes are auto coded; <br />changes are reclassified; transactions and or sum level information is uploaded; there is <br />only one payment. Accountability is increased as well as cash flow and payment discounts. <br />A reduction in reconciliation time; check expense, check fraud and postage fees are also a <br />benefit. Each card limit is controlled by appointed supervisors from within the county. <br /> <br />Ms. Bischoff said there would be rebates upon spending $1,000,000. The county would then <br />receive $3,000 in a rebate check. Mr. Vanyo asked what procedure would need to take <br />place if a voucher is declined. Mr. Montplaisir said it would be handled in the same manner <br />as a declined check. Mr. Bennett expressed concern for abuse. Mr. Montplaisir stated the <br />receipts still need approval. Mrs. Johnson stated the same department process would still <br />need to take place as purchases would need to be separated into accounts. She feels this <br />would result in the same amount of work for her department. Mr. Montplaisir feels the work <br />would be the same as the purchaser would still need to submit receipts. He stated the use <br />of purchase cards would be at the discretion of each department head. Department heads <br />can choose to remain with the paper method of payment. Mr. Pawluk asked Mr. Burdick for <br />an opinion. Mr. Burdick stated he has visited with Mr. Montplaisir about the internal policy <br />and feels if it does not take additional time from his schedule and saves someone else time <br />it is worth trying. Ms. Bischoff was asked about fraud and commented that she has not <br />personally handled a fraud case but co-workers have and work with the employers in <br />solving the issue. Mr. Montplaisir stated that employees with cards will be monitored and <br />abuse will result in the loss of the card. Cass County already uses fleet cards for the <br />purchase of gas. Employees using the cards are required to list mileage and the vehicle <br />number on the receipt. <br />
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