03-17-2008 Minutes
Road Advisory Committee
03-17-2008 Minutes
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<br />Road Advisory Minutes-March 17, 2008 <br /> <br />ROAD ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />MARCH 17,2008-2:00 PM <br /> <br />1. MEETING TO ORDER <br />Commissioner Vern Bennett called a meeting of the Road Advisory Committee to order <br />at 2:00 PM on Monday March 17, 2008, in the Commission Room, Cass County <br />Courthouse. Members were present as follows: Vern Bennett, Ken Pawluk, Robyn <br />Sorurn, Scott Wagner, Darrell Vanyo, Keith Berndt, Rich Sieg, Jurgen Suhr, and Scott <br />Saewert. Absent was Mark Johnson. <br /> <br />2. CASS COUNTY HIGHWAY 17 AND HIGHWAY 6, Discussion and action reqardinq <br />reqardinq alternatives for intersection <br />Mr. Berndt said in February the committee deferred action on the intersection of Cass <br />County Highway 17 and Cass County Highway 6 (52nd Avenue South) to allow additional <br />time to obtain more information regarding options for the intersection. He distributed a <br />handout outlining the following options: <br />1) Construct a modern roundabout at original location with a projected cost of <br />$241,000. Would require complete reconstruction when road is converted to a 4 <br />lane urban section. <br />2) Construct a roundabout in permanent location with a projected cost of $241,000 <br />plus $190,000 equaling $431,000. Would save $270,000 in future reconstruction <br />costs over option 1 . <br />3) Construct conventional (non-signalized) intersection $164,000. Would require <br />signals at a future date at an additional cost of $175,000 and widening when road <br />goes to 4 lanes. <br />4) Do nothing $0. Would require future construction of some form of intersection. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt also added that West Fargo and Cass County entered an agreement when <br />county 17 was turned over to West Fargo north of 52nd Avenue, West Fargo agreed to <br />provide $250,000 toward the reconstruction of the intersection. The county would pay <br />initial construction costs and bill West Fargo for reimbursernent. <br /> <br />Rick Lane and Eric Bach, SRF Consulting presented a colored rnap and an analysis of <br />additional information compiled from further study on the intersection. If a single-lane <br />roundabout were constructed on the ultimate alignment with the current county 17 <br />improvement project, portions of the ultimate county 17 project could be utilized with the <br />single-lane roundabout and upgraded to a double-lane roundabout when required by <br />traffic flow. <br /> <br />The proposed roundabout was placed on the ultimate county 17 alignment and the <br />current 52nd Avenue alignrnent to allow for use of the existing bridge. Impacts on the <br />project include: acquiring 8,300 square feet of additional net right of way plus relocation <br />of a building with an estirnated cost of $40,000; 600 feet of additional full-depth <br />reconstruction on county 17 approximate cost $150,000. Bringing the total additional <br />project cost to the current county 17 to an estimated $190,000. <br /> <br />Benefits to constructing the roundabout in the ultimate location with the current county <br />17 project include: purchasing right of way in 2008 saving approximately $65,000 based <br />on 5% appreciation over a 10 year period; the entry and exit radii on the approach <br />
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