h. Contract approval
County Commission
Consent agenda
h. Contract approval
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<br />PAGE 3 <br /> <br />VII. AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT: <br />The Provider shall not have the authority to contract for or on behalf of or incur obligations on <br />behalf of the CCSSB. However, the Provider may sub-contract with qualified providers of <br />services, provided that any such subcontract must acknowledge the binding nature of this <br />agreement, and incorporate this agreement, together with its attachments. The Provider agrees to <br />be solely responsible for the performance of any subcontractor. <br /> <br />VIII. TERMINATION: <br />This contract may be terminated by mutual consent of both parties, or by either party upon 30 <br />day's notice, in writing, and delivered by certified mail or in person. <br /> <br />The CCSSB may terminate this contract effective upon delivery of written notice to the Provider, <br />or at such later date as may be established by the CCSSB, under any of the following conditions: <br /> <br />A. If CCSSB funding from federal, state, or other sources is not obtained and continued at <br />levels sufficient to allow for purchase of the indicated quantity of services, the contract <br />may be modified to accommodate a reduction in funds. <br />B. If federal state regulations or guidelines are modified, changed, or interpreted in such a <br />way that the services are no longer allowable or appropriate for purchase under this <br />contract or are no longer eligible for the funding proposed for payments authorized by <br />this contract. <br />C. If any license or certificate required by law or regulations to be held by the Provider to <br />provide the services required by this contract is for any reason denied, revoked, or not <br />renewed. <br /> <br />Any such termination ofthis contract shall be without prejudice to any obligations or liabilities of <br />either party already accrued prior to such termination. <br /> <br />The CCSSB by written notice of default, including breach of contract, to the Provider may <br />terminate the whole or any part of this agreement: <br /> <br />A. If the Provider fails to provide services provided under the terms of this contract within <br />the time specified herein or any extension thereof; or <br /> <br />B. If the Provider fails to perform any of the other provisions of this contract, or so fails to <br />pursue the work as to endanger performance of this contract in accordance with its terms, <br />and after receipt of written notice from the CCSSB, fails to correct such failures within 10 <br />days or such longer period as the CCSSB may authorize. <br />The rights and remedies of the CCSSB provided in the above clause related to defaults, <br />including breach of contract, by the Provider shall not be exclusive and are in addition to <br />any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. <br />
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