1.Election precinct designation
County Commission
Regular agenda
1.Election precinct designation
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12/29/2003 4:22:41 PM
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December 1, 2003 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />I am recommending the precincts currently located at Hunter, Grandin, and Gardner be combined at the <br />Northern Cass School District building on County Road 26 (about 6 miles west of Gardner). This would <br />have the three cities and six townships voting at this one location. We had a total of 452 people vote from <br />these three precincts in the last General Election. Grandin and Hunter were combined at this location before <br />and it generated a lot of protests from Grandin; however, with the increased cost of equipment and elections <br />in general, this combination simply makes sense. The distance from Hunter, Grandin, and Gardner to the <br />polling site would be 8 miles, 13 miles, and 7 miles respectively. I have contacted Hal Habermann, <br />Superintendent of the Northern Cass School District, who indicated that the school district could <br />accommodate the polling site. <br /> <br />The next consolidation I am recommending is the precincts at Arthur (22-02) and Amenia (22-05). I <br />recommend these be combined with the polling location at Arthur. Arthur is 7 miles north of Amenia. The <br />combined voters at these two precincts in the 2002 General Election was 388. This will still be a small <br />precinct in numbers of voters, but it will encompass two cities and six townships. <br /> <br />Precincts located at Tower City, Buffalo, and Alice could be combined at Buffalo. The reason Buffalo was <br />chosen as the site for the polling place is that normal travel seems to be east toward Fargo and north toward <br />1-94 making Buffalo more convenient than either Tower City or Alice for the majority of voters. In this new <br />combined precinct 608 voters participated in the 2002 General Election. The precinct would encompass 10 <br />townships and 3 cities. <br /> <br />Precincts presently located at Kindred (22-13) and Davenport (22-12) could be combined at either Kindred <br />or Davenport. In the 2002 General Election, the combined precinct would have had 626 voters. My <br />recommendation would be to combine these two precincts at Kindred since Kindred and Normanna <br />Township have the largest percentage of voters (378 of the 626). Davenport Township, directly west of <br />Kindred, has another 64 voters. The new precinct would encompass two cities and four townships. <br /> <br />Probably as important as making a recommendation on where to consolidate precincts, is to explain why I <br />didn't recommend consolidation of some other precincts, particularly in the rural area. Precinct 22-01 and <br />20-01 cannot be consolidated because they are in different legislative districts. We can however co-locate <br />the precincts in Page and use one set of election equipment for both election boards. <br /> <br />Precinct 22-06 (Argusville) is a small precinct encompassing the City of Argusville, Berlin Township and <br />the part of Harwood Township that lies in District 22. The precinct to the north is in District 20, and the <br />precinct to the south is District 45. Therefore, Arthur or Mapleton would be the closest place to consolidate, <br />but neither is in the normal traffic pat'tern for the people living in this precinct. The precinct could be co- <br />located with the Harwood precinct (45-06) and use one set of election equipment for the two election boards. <br /> <br />Precinct 22-09 is a very small precinct north of West Fargo that includes part of West Fargo, Fargo, and <br />Reed Township. It is not practical to consolidate this precinct but I will recommend it be co-located with <br />one of the West Fargo precincts--again using one set of election equipment with two election boards. <br /> <br />Precinct 22-14 (Eagle Run) is also is a small precinct; however, with the growth in that area and the <br />changing city boundaries combining it at this time is not recommended--it will be interesting to see this next <br />election cycle how many voters we have in that area. <br /> <br /> <br />
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