County Commission
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10/2/2007 8:29:31 AM
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9/14/2007 9:26:52 AM
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<br />Commission Minutes-September 17, 2007 3270 <br /> <br />6. BUDGET, Public hearina on 2008 preliminary budaet: final budaet adopted <br />A public hearing was advertised for this date, time and place to allow for public input on the <br />2008 Cass County preliminary budget. Notice of today's hearing, containing the budget <br />funds and levy summary for the coming year, was published in the official newspaper of the <br />county on August 27,2007. <br /> <br />Michael Montplaisir, County Auditor, referred to a letter dated September 6, 2007, which <br />included information about new employee requests, cost of living adjustment, fund reserves <br />and health and dental insurance rates. He also provided an updated budget and levy <br />summary for 2008. The projected mill levy is 61.00 mills, the same as last year, but with an <br />increased valuation of 8%, the mills will provide $1.9 million in increased revenues. Mr. <br />Montplaisir said after the public hearing today, the board may adopt the budget, or may wait <br />until the October 1 st meeting for final approval. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett left the meeting at this time. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner opened the public hearing for comments, and hearing none, closed the public <br />hearing. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to approve the 2008 Cass <br />County Budget in the amount of $54,753,452 and a mill levy of 61.00 mills <br />for the General and Special Revenue Funds of the county; 2.35 mills for <br />the Weed Control District; 1.00 mill for the Vector Control District; .50 <br />mills for the County Park District; 3.60 mills for the Southeast Cass Water <br />Resource District; 4.00 mills for the Rush River, Maple River and North <br />Cass Water Resource Districts; and 1.00 mill for the Red River Joint <br />Water Resource District. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />7. RESOLUTION #2007-19, Directina Assessments be Levied for Street Improvement <br />District No. 2007-1 <br />Attorney John Shockley from Ohnstad Twichell P.C. was present. He said the commission <br />approved the creation of Street Improvement District No. 2007-1 on July 2, 2007, to pave <br />streets within Granberg's and Amber Plains Subdivisions. The total cost of the project will <br />be $365,000. He is requesting approval of a resolution to direct the Cass County Special <br />Assessment Commission to levy assessments for the district. A meeting of the Special <br />Assessment Commission will be held September 19, 2007. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to approve Resolution <br />#2007 -19, Directing Assessments to be Levied for Street Improvement <br />District No. 2007-1. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />8. WATER RESOURCE DISTRICTS, Quit claim deeds for drain riaht-of- way <br />Attorney Sean Fredricks from Ohnstad Twichell P.C. was present. He said several issues <br />occurred recently which involve county-owned drain right-of-way. He said in the 1800's the <br />county did not have the current structure of four separate water resource districts, but had <br />one drain board, and subsequently the county acquired numerous properties located in <br />drain right-of-way. He said this winter the water boards plan to review all drain right-of-ways <br />in order to convey the necessary parcels from the county to the appropriate water resource <br />districts. <br />
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