County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--December 15, 2003 2681 <br /> <br />engineering services to prepare the design for the Casselton Elevator <br />Road; and to authorize the county engineer to add the proposed road to <br />the Cass County Highway System and proceed with all necessary <br />design and construction activities to complete project. There was no <br />further discussion and the motion carried on roll call vote with Mr. <br />Meyer, Mrs. Sorum, Mr. Vanyo and Mr. Wagner voting "Aye"; Mr. <br />Bennett opposing. <br /> <br />14. VECTOR CONTROL, Grant application discussed <br />Mr. Berndt was present to discuss an upcoming grant application for vector control. He <br />presented the item for information purposes today, rather than taking any action, because <br />the grant application process is being administered by the Center for Disease Control and <br />the application is not available at this time. He said $100,000.00 of matching money will be <br />available from the Federal government, with an additional $10,000.00 being made available <br />for cities and counties showing a cooperative effort for mosquito control activities. The <br />funds will be available through the M.A.S.H. Act (Mosquito Abatement for Safety and <br />Health), which President George Bush signed into law on August 15, 2003. <br /> <br />A second grant for up to $40,000.00 of project costs is available through the Pesticide <br />Environmental Stewardship Program Project, in cooperation with the United States <br />Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs. Mr. Berndt said the <br />EPA grant application form is not available at this time either; however, he will come back to <br />a future board meeting to provide that information. Mr. Wagner asked if Mr. Berndt is <br />comfortable that he has time to bring the grant application back to the board before the <br />deadline approaches, and Mr. Berndt concurred. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett inquired about matching funds, and Mr. Berndt said there are matching <br />requirements on both of the grants; however, he feels the budgeted amounts for chemicals <br />and in-house labor will serve as the county's match. The matching funds would be taken <br />from existing budget line items, and he has no intention of requesting additional money. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner concluded that the county is trying to increase the quality of the mosquito <br />control program and Mr. Berndt has indicated there is still time to access these grant funds <br />after the first of the new year. <br /> <br />15. PERMIT APPROVAL, State's attorney update <br />Mr. Wagner asked the state's attorney to review North Dakota Century Code language <br />regarding an alternative approval method to eliminate the necessity of calling a special <br />board meeting for the issuance of permits, such as raffles, fireworks displays and special <br />events where alcoholic beverages are sold. Permit requests are sometimes received after a <br />commission meeting, with the date of the event being scheduled before the next regularly <br />scheduled board meeting at which it could be approved. <br /> <br />Mr. Burdick said State law implies that the local governing body would approve the types of <br />permits mentioned earlier; however, he did not find anything requiring a quorum. He said <br />the board could conceivably empower a member of the board, such as the chairman, to <br />approve specified permits with discretion, and that item could appear on the next <br />commission agenda for formal adoption by the entire commission. He said he can see <br />where this process could serve the public better also. <br />
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