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FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE -PHOENIX NCS <br />One East Washington Slreet, Suite 450, Phoenix, AZ 85004 <br />Phone: (602) 343 7550 Fax: (602) 343-7564 <br />Combined Settlement SlalBmsnt <br />Estimated <br />Ea crow No: 21828185. 001 MB1 Close Date: 12/21/201B Proration Date: 12"!1/2018 Olsbureoment Date: <br />Buyer(s)/Borrower(s): <br />Seller(&): <br />Property: <br />Buyer Q!Jpll <br />6,480,000.00 <br />750.00 <br />889.25 <br />100,1)0 <br />100.00 <br />100.00 <br />350,00 <br />1,050,00 3A73.61 <br />5,557.08 <br />6,492,349.94 <br />6.492,349.94 <br />Cole MT Fargo NO, LLC, a Delaware lrnlted Dallllty company <br />4427 13th Avenue SW Fargo, ND 68100 <br />, Buyer� redlt . DeacrlpUon <br />TOTAL CONSIDERATION: Tolal Consld8flllf<II 150,000.00 �list o !J)IUl1 150,000.00 Sea:ind Deposit <br />PR.ORATIONSAND ADJUSTMENTS: 19,489.55 Basa Rert & Reini!u�omont RIMln110 <br />COMMISSIONS: Comrrisnloo to CBRE <br />Tlll.E CHARGES AND ESCROW CHARGES E=wChargo lo RdoU .... NaGoro1111lo · Phoo.NCS Owners Pdlcy �r $6,480,000.00 lo Fldei1y NaUonel Thie· Phoenix NCS SeerchE,aim ID Rdellly Nallonal Tile Plloenllc NCS IMse. Tile Fees to Fldelly Nalfonel Tille -PhoenJx NCS Ovnr Endol$ernenl-CC&R! lo Fldelty Nallonal T�le -Phoem NCS Owner End«&C1110J1 � ID Adellty Nalbnal TIiie • Phoo,Jx NCS Owler Endorsemenl-S..Wy to Fldeflty Ni,Jooal lltle • Phoenix NCS OwnerEndOlliemen� Slngle Tax Parcel lo FldClly Nalonal TIie-Ptoamt NCS <br />RECORDING FEES: Recoolng Fee to Ftlelitf NafoneJ Thia -Phoe/lbc NGS <br />ADDmONAL CHARGES: Lease PtQbes Fees to Real llllgenoo, LLC <br />Fees Due (Corporals Services) lo Olvasllled Corporate S eMCes I.Bgel Fees ID Budlaler Sun.ey Feee lo Neael Lend SuNeys, Inc. <br />319,489,65 Sub Totals <br />6,172,880.39 Bdana, Dua From euyar Proceeds Due Setler <br />8,492,349.94 Tolals <br />SellefDet;,lt <br />19,489.55 <br />133,600.00 <br />8,892.50 <br />750,1)0 <br />125.00 <br />15,000,00 <br />1n,es1,os <br />6,303,092.95 <br />8,480,760.00 <br />Seier Credit <br />6,480,000.00 <br />750.00 <br />8,480,760.00 <br />6A 80,750.00 <br />This slelement Is bmed on lnlonnallai evaffeble lo the escrow holder as of Ille date Chis slalemenl was prapsred and the cl�ng dale """""a bow, ktuel emolllls may change an/or wry depending a, 14>daled lrtonnalbn recdved end Ila mat closing dale. <br />Printed by on 12/21/2018 - 1 :50:3lll'M Page 1 of2 <br />Page 29