2. GFMEDC sales tax proposal
County Commission
Regular agenda
2. GFMEDC sales tax proposal
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8/6/2007 8:28:22 AM
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8/1/2007 9:23:49 AM
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<br />The Growth Plan presents recommendations, developed by a committee <br />of entrepreneurial, business, community and economic development ex- <br />perts, in four areas crucial to entrepreneurial success. This includes incu- <br />bation infrastructure and services, access to financing, human resources, <br />and promotion. This plan will make Greater Fargo Moorhead one of the <br />few communities that have developed a comprehensive entrepreneurial <br />strategy, and reaped the results. <br /> <br />A cutting-edge Telecommunications Infrastructure is a fundamental piece of business infrastructure <br />for the growth economy. The major area of need in Greater Fargo Moorhead is the completion of an <br />advanced fiber optic broadband information services network that connects research universities and <br />institutions around the United States. Since the network's inception, all of North Dakota and Minne- <br />sota outside the Twin Cities have not been on this map, and as history shows, it is never good for a <br />community to be "off the map" of any type. Federal funding in 2006 brought Greater Fargo Moorhead <br />closer to closing this information gap by connecting NDSU to the University of Minnesota. There is <br />still work to do, however, in the way of securing annual operating costs for the network, as well as ex- <br />tending it to include MSUM and Concordia College. <br /> <br />The fourth building block, Air Service, is also a critical component of business infrastructure. Greater <br />Fargo Moorhead is served by Hector International Airport, with four different carriers and multiple <br />flights a day to Minneapolis, Chicago, Denver, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas. Existing businesses <br />both large and small rely on this infrastructure to do business globally, while potential companies, es- <br />pecially global and national headquarters, consider the existence and quality of air service a factor in <br />site selection. <br /> <br />Three aspects comprise quality air service: schedules, availability, and fare structure. Greater Fargo <br />Moorhead needs to pursue additional carriers to increase competition, which will in turn drive down <br />fares, introduce additional departures and destinations, and improve schedules to be more conducive <br />to conducting business. <br /> <br />Greater Fargo Moorhead is known for its quality education system and strong community value of <br />education. Primary and secondary education is a critical component of the quality of life that is so im- <br />portant for smart families looking to stay in, or relocate to, the community. The fifth building block, K- <br />12 STEM Strategies, represents the community's plan of action in science, technology, engineering <br />and math education. STEM subjects and the skills they impart best prepare students for higher edu- <br />cation and careers in the new global economy, and starting this education at the K-12 level is vital. <br />Strategies that the growth plan have identified as crucial include: creating a K-12 STEM coordinator <br />that would work with the regional school districts and higher education institutions to coordinate and <br />raise awareness of programs, competitions and workshops in STEM subjects; and instituting special- <br />ized financial incentives, namely scholarships to local universities, for high-performing students in <br />STEM subjects. <br /> <br />History has shown that little worthwhile can happen without significant investment, and the Growth <br />Plan is no exception. In order to position Greater Fargo Moorhead to compete and win in the global <br />economy, guaranteeing growth and prosperity for generations of citizens of North Dakota and Minne- <br />sota, the community itself must be the first to step up to the table. Implementation of the growth plan <br />will require investment from federal, state and university sources; the private sector; and the public <br />sector in the form of a sales tax for growth. Estimated expenses and Initial discussions on funding are <br />underway. <br /> <br />10 <br />
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