County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-August 6, 2007 3232 <br /> <br />6. ROAD DEPARTMENT, Request for ditch clean out in Leonard Township discussed <br />Clayton Runck, resident of Fargo, owns land in Section 23 of Leonard Township. He is <br />requesting the county clean out a ditch on the north side of the section, which runs along <br />the south side of Cass County Highway 36. According to Mr. Runck, the ditch is silted in <br />with dirt and he loses 40 or 50 acres due to poor drainage. He received a quote of $6,500 <br />from an area contractor to complete the cleaning and is willing to pay part of the cost. Mr. <br />Runck wants to know whether the county is responsible for maintenance of the ditch. <br /> <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, said 1,300 miles of county ditches exist in Cass County. <br />The county issues permits at no cost to landowners for ditch cleaning, who in turn complete <br />the work subject to county standards. The highway department has cleaned out ditches <br />under extenuating circumstances as time permitted. He recommends Mr. Runck obtain a <br />permit and his department will provide grade specifications to assist Mr. Runck during the <br />process. Mr. Berndt said the topography in this area of the county is more difficult to deal <br />with as the soil is light and more sediment settles in ditches. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett asked about the benefits the county may receive if county staff and equipment <br />are used to clean out the ditch. Mr. Berndt said the road is functioning fine, and the project <br />would require two weeks to complete. Mr. Pawluk feels this is a private ditch and does not <br />see a public benefit; therefore, he does not recommend using taxpayer dollars. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to encourage Mr. Runck to <br />apply for a ditch cleaning permit and work with the county engineer to <br />obtain grade specifications for the project. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />7. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Committee formed to draft resolution and ballot <br />lanauaae for sales tax proposal <br />Brian Walters, President of the Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Development <br />Corporation (GFMEDC), gave a presentation on the Strategic Planning Growth Plan <br />Initiative and discussed a request to hold an election to ask county voters to approve a one- <br />half cent sales tax to fund the plan. He said their organization needs a vision for growth <br />based on creating quality opportunities and better positioning area businesses to compete <br />and win in the global economy. The presentation included an economic review and <br />analysis; information on the growth plan process; and details regarding the sales tax funding <br />mechanism. <br /> <br />Mr. Walters said demographers predict a deceleration of growth in the Fargo Moorhead <br />area and a decline in population, immigration, income and employment. The current growth <br />strategy is not sustainable and the area needs to focus on quality versus quantity of jobs. <br />When creating a new vision for growth, local experts from the business community, <br />academia, and public sector participated in studying target sectors with the greatest <br />potential for growth and high-paying jobs: industries in life sciences, physical sciences and <br />information technology. During the study process, numerous public meetings were held <br />with significant community input provided to create a plan that specializes on the target <br />areas in order to be competitive. Mr. Walters said two of the three targeted sectors have <br />no established leader and he feels the GFMEDC needs to take advantage of this <br />opportunity. <br />
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