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June 16, 2022 <br />114 <br /> <br />iii. Provide capacity for the entire development (partial capacity, based on <br />phases of development, will not be acceptable). <br />b. The Final Plat application shall include a statement from the authority or <br />organization providing such service indicating approval of the plans for design, <br />installation and financial guarantees as well as indicating the reservation of <br />sufficient capacity to accommodate the project. <br />(b) Water Supply. All proposed subdivisions shall supply a potable water source adequate to <br />the completed developments demands. Whenever an existing or approved water system <br />is accessible and has sufficient capacity, the proposed project shall connect to said <br />distribution system. <br />1. Applicants shall submit to the Planning Commission documentation if the project is located <br />in an area served by a municipal water supply system or other public water supply system. A <br />municipal or public water supply system, shall be considered accessible to a project and <br />shall be connected to the project, if service is available within the following distances, at the <br />discretion of the Planning Commission these distances may be increased: <br /> Subdivisions with thirteen (13) or more buildable lots shall connect to a municipal or public <br />water supply system. <br />2. Major subdivisions required to connect to public water supply system shall design a water <br />supply system pursuant to the following: <br />a. The water supply system shall be adequate to handle the necessary flow based on <br />the complete development. <br />b. The demand rates for all uses shall be considered in computing the total system <br />demand. <br />c. Average daily residential demand shall be computed in accordance with the housing <br />unit type and size data (see Table 23. Water Demand Based on Type and Size of <br />Housing Unit below). Daily residential demand rates from other sources may be <br />used if the applicant demonstrates that these sources better reflect local conditions. <br />d. Nonresidential demand shall be computed in accordance with the data shown in <br />Table 24. Water Demand Based on Type and Size of Non-Residential Facility below. <br />Nonresidential demand rates from other sources may be used if the applicant <br />demonstrates that these sources better reflect local conditions. <br />e. For the safety and protection of residents, rural subdivisions are encouraged to <br />install water systems capable of providing fire flow capacity to include the following: <br />i. (a) Installation of volume water supply or reservoir facilities. <br />ii. (b) Installation of fire hydrants <br /> <br />