County Commission
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6/5/2007 8:32:03 AM
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5/18/2007 9:30:21 AM
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<br />Commission Minutes-May 21, 2007 3206 <br /> <br />said he will ask the court administrator about the filing room. Mr. <br />Wagner said he will be voting against the motion because a considerable <br />part of the Courthouse is already designated to the court for their use <br />and the commission room is the only conference room available to <br />county departments for various types of meetings. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried with four members voting "Yes" and Mr. Wagner voting <br />"No" . <br /> <br />8. RESOLUTION #2007-10, Adopt implementation of property tax delinQuency period <br />County Auditor Michael Montplaisir discussed House Bill 1332, legislation passed this year <br />which reduces the number of years taxes may remain delinquent before they have to be <br />paid. Currently, taxpayers may wait 57 months before taxes are delinquent and with the <br />change in law, the time period will be reduced to 33 months for 2007 and successive tax <br />years. <br /> <br />The county auditor and county treasurer have developed an implementation plan and in <br />order to alleviate some of the burden to taxpayers, are recommending the board authorize <br />them to remove the interest and penalty to those who pay all taxes due on a parcel for a <br />period commencing August 1, 2007 through October 1, 2007. Mr. Montplaisir said this is a <br />one-time offer and will result in a 22% to 25% reduction in the amount of taxes owed by <br />taxpayers. The county charges 12% interest and in most cases, citizens may be able to <br />borrow funds from a bank at a lesser rate in order to payoff the taxes. He said if the <br />resolution is approved, his office will send letters to taxpayers and publish notices in the <br />newspaper to inform the public of this opportunity. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to adopt Resolution #2007- <br />10, Implementing a Procedure for House Bill 1332 Relating to Property <br />Tax Delinquency Period and Waiver of Penalty and Interest. On roll call <br />vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo left the meeting at this time. <br /> <br />9. VOUCHERS, Approved <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to approve Voucher No. <br />217,210 through Voucher No. 217,753. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />10. HEAD START BUILDING LEASE, Committee reports <br />Mr. Montplaisir said a letter will be forthcoming from the Southeastern North Dakota <br />Community Action Agency terminating their lease on county-owned property located at 57 <br />11th Avenue North in Fargo used for their Head Start program. Mr. Pawluk recommended <br />the county auditor look into alternative solutions on the two apartments located within the <br />building during the interim period before the lease expires. <br /> <br />11. CORRESPONDENCE, Received and filed <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to receive and file <br />correspondence outlined by the secretary as follows: Motion carried. <br />
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