County Commission
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8/31/2007 10:27:40 AM
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3/1/2007 1:58:26 PM
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<br />Commission Minutes-March 5, 2007 3184 <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Bennett seconded to authorize the following <br />road improvements in support of the proposed Tharaldson Ethanol Plant: <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />1. Cass County will add a two-mile segment of Everest and Casselton <br />Township road running north from 1-94 at Exit 328 to Cass County <br />10 to the county highway system; <br />2. Cass County will work with the North Dakota Department of <br />Transportation to secure any available special state and federal <br />funding for improvements to the road above and separate from the <br />county's normal federal aid allotment; <br />3. Cass County will be the lead agency in construction of the road <br />improvements to the new highway. The county will fund the <br />design and construction engineering cost of the road improvement <br />project; in addition, Cass County will fund $20,000 of construction <br />costs and all construction costs associated with the two-mile <br />segment not funded by federal or state funding sources will be <br />funded by the developer except for the $20,000 listed above. <br />4. Cass County will investigate the need for supplemental turn lanes <br />on Cass County 10 at the intersection with the new road. If the <br />county determines a need for turn lanes, they will be designed and <br />constructed at the county's expense. <br /> <br />7. ORDINANCE #2007-1, First reading on county highway access ordinance <br />Mr. Berndt said the county adopted an access policy in 1993 and has now taken the existing <br />policy and created a county highway access ordinance. The first reading is scheduled for <br />today with the second reading and adoption to be considered at the April 2nd commission <br />meeting. He provided a handout with information about the needs and benefits of access <br />management. The ordinance includes the following: identifies the primary function of county <br />highways is to carry large volumes of through traffic and the subservient function is to <br />provide access to abutting property; develops penalties and methods to mitigate non- <br />permitted accesses; establishes right of way width requirements and dedications; generally <br />limits accesses to one per quarter mile; establishes construction design standards; and <br />requires all costs to be paid solely by the applicant. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk suggested that cities and townships be informed about the ordinance. Mr. <br />Berndt said a public notice will be published in the official county newspaper next week. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to approve the first reading <br />of Ordinance #2007-1, Cass County Highway Access Ordinance; and to <br />schedule the second reading and adoption for April 2, 2007, allowing <br />time to publish a public notice in the official newspaper at least 20 days <br />before the second reading. Motion carried. <br /> <br />8. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, Recommendation approved to fund consultant to study <br />ioint dispatch record manaaement system <br />Jim Thoreson, Chief Deputy, and Glenn Ellingsberg, Chief Deputy, were present. A <br />committee was formed to researcn me current computer Aided Dispatcnf~ecoro <br />Management System (CAD/RMS) for the Red River Regional Dispatch Center. <br />
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