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<br />Commission Minutes-February 5,2007 3171 <br /> <br />6. RESOLUTION #2007-3, MIDA Bond application of Hospice of the Red River Valley <br />Proiect <br />Attorney James Stewart was present for the MIDA Bond hearing on the application of <br />the Hospice of the Red River Valley Project in an amount not to exceed $2,600,000 for <br />the purpose of financing the acquisition of an office building located at 1701 3Sth Street <br />South in Fargo. Steve Slabik, Hospice Director of Finance, was also present. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk questioned the number of bonds that may be issued per year and was <br />concerned that since this request comes early in the year, the affect it may have on <br />other projects. Mr. Stewart said the county may issue as many bonds as they want but <br />only up to $10 million may be bank qualified per year. County Auditor Michael <br />Montplaisir said the water resource districts may have bonds for approximately <br />$200,000, otherwise he does not anticipate any significant requests. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo asked about the intended use of the facility. Mr. Slabik said their <br />organization has leased the office building the last four years with the option to buy. <br />Over the last few years, Hospice has used additional space within the building and <br />determined it to be more economical to purchase rather than lease. <br /> <br />The chairman opened the public hearing and invited comments from the audience. <br />Hearing none, the public hearing was closed. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to adopt Resolution <br />#2007 -3 Authorizing the Issuance of Mortgage Revenue Bonds <br />(Hospice of the Red River Valley Project) under Chapter 40-57 <br />N.D.C.C. and Authorizing the Preparation of Necessary Documents <br />Therefore. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />7. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, License agreement for paging system and lease <br />agreement for antenna approved <br />Dave Rogness, Emergency Manager, was present. Cass County Emergency <br />Management received a Homeland Security grant to replace the county-owned paging <br />system that benefits rural fire and emergency service organizations. The enhancement <br />will add 500 new pagers and three transmit sites along with necessary equipment. F-M <br />Ambulance requested the county enter into a formal agreement that outlines ownership <br />of the new equipment, the project scope, repair, maintenance and insurance <br />requirements. The state's attorney reviewed the document and did not have any <br />comments or concerns. <br /> <br />Mr. Rogness also spoke about the no-cost lease with Cass County, Grandin Rural Fire <br />and CHS, owner of the grain elevator in Grandin. The lease will allow the county to <br />place a paging antenna and equipment on the elevator. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to authorize the <br />chairman to sign a license agreement between Cass County <br />Government and F-M Ambulance for the use and operation of a joint <br />paging system; and to approve the lease agreement with Cass <br />County, Grandin Rural Fire and CHS, owner of the grain elevator in <br />Grandin, to place the paging system antenna and related equipment <br />on the elevator. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />