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<br />Commission Minutes-December 18, 2006 3161 <br /> <br />a task force that is being formed. Commissioners were in agreement to submit the names <br />of County Engineer Keith Berndt and Commissioner Darrell Vanyo to serve on the task <br />force. Mr. Pawluk asked about water resource district representation and both Mr. Wagner <br />and Mr. Berndt said the water resource district will be included on the task force. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner said a letter was received from the City of Fargo regarding appointment of a <br />county representative to serve on the Fargo Dome Authority. The city requested two names <br />to be submitted before the term expires next year. Commissioners were in agreement to <br />submit the names of Darrell Vanyo and Russ Johnson for consideration. <br /> <br />14. ADJOURNMENT <br />MOTION, passed <br />On motion by Mr. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Pawluk, and all in favor, the <br />meeting was adjourned at 5:05 PM. <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />APPROVED: <br /> <br />l-;1t~'~?V~~:~ <br />"Michael Montplaisir!.. Auditor <br />Cass County, North Dakota <br /> <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />- I. . t' jf' ~':>1t.. . ~:~ <br />Scott Wagrfer, Chaj.p(l,an <br />Cass County Board of Commissioners <br />