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<br />Commission Minutes-December 18, 2006 3160 <br /> <br />11. JAIL ADDITION CHANGE ORDER, Approved with 20% of costs to be paid bV Foss <br />Architecture <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator, said In August she became aware of a construction <br />problem connecting the new jail addition to the existing building. A steel lintel was <br />overlooked in the plan and a "hold open" for conduit had not been designated by the <br />architects in the original building, thus requiring additional work on the second phase of the <br />project. Rick Hoganson and Tom Dewald were present from Foss Architecture. Mr. <br />Hoganson provided a brief history on this request and said his company tries to be fair with <br />the owner as well as contractors when considering change orders. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk believes this error is not due to an oversight by the county but by the architect. <br />He is involved with a construction project at the airport and said with this type of situation, <br />the persons who made the mistake must contribute 20% toward the repair costs. <br />Commissioners discussed profit margins built into change orders and feel the request today <br />most likely includes a mark up cost. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to approve the change order <br />in the amount of $7,585.00, less 20% of the change order cost to be <br />contributed by Foss Architecture. Discussion: Mr. Bennett asked if the <br />county was charged for change orders requested by the county. Mr. <br />Hoganson said to his recollection his company has not charged the <br />county. Mrs. Johnson said the county has requested a few change <br />orders and has paid for them. On roll call vote, the motion carried with <br />Mr. Pawluk, Mr. Vanyo, Mr. Wagner and Mrs. Sorum voting "Yes" and Mr. <br />Bennett voting "No". <br /> <br />12. VOUCHERS, Approved <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to approve Voucher No. <br />213,357 through Voucher No. 213,737. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />13. MEETING UPDATES; CHILD SUPPORT LEGISLATION; BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS <br />SUBCOMMITTEE; SOUTHSIDE FLOOD PROTECTION TASK FORCE; FARGO DOME <br />AUTHORITY APPOINTMENT, Committee reports <br />Commissioners and staff reported on meetings they have attended in the past two weeks, <br />as well as upcoming meetings. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo said legislation to change child support enforcement from a county to a state <br />office is moving forward with the inclusion that counties will need to reimburse the state for <br />employee benefits. He does not favor the bill with that language. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson said two buildings and grounds projects slated for next year need to be <br />discussed at a future meeting. She suggested a subcommittee consisting of Mr. Wagner, <br />Mr. Montplaisir and her meet to decide on a recommendation to present to the entire board. <br />Commissioners were in agreement to have the subcommittee meet before the next <br />commission meeting. <br /> <br />Commissioners discussed a public meeting held last week. regarding the Southside Flood <br />Protection Plan. Mr. Wagner said the City of Fargo has requested county representation on <br /> <br />VW~ <br />