County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-August 10, 2006 3092 <br /> <br />911 service fund <br />Mr. Montplaisir provided a summary of the 911 fund activity and budget. The fund receives <br />revenues from a $1 surcharge on land and cell telephones. The surcharge is used mainly <br />to pay the county's share of the Red River Regional Dispatch Center (RRRDC) operation <br />and for the state-wide upgrade to the Enhanced 911 system for cellular service. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir said 911 revenues have decreased for two reasons: with annexation of <br />county land into Fargo and West Fargo, the fees are now distributed to the cities rather than <br />the county; and in the past, phone companies had difficulty determining whether properties <br />were within or outside city limits, but with improvements to mapping and our GIS system, it <br />was discovered that the county may have been receiving revenue that belonged to a city. <br />He said equipment is becoming outdated and needs to be replaced and since revenues do <br />not cover costs for 2007, he included an $115,000 transfer from the general fund which will <br />only be done if necessary. He noted that the county may receive some funds back from the <br />dispatch center due to operational savings and some funds from the North Dakota <br />Association of Counties (NDACo) due to cost savings in the state-wide upgrade. <br /> <br />The 911 contract covers the county's share of the RRRDC budget of $339,333 and is <br />divided among Fargo, Moorhead, Cass and Clay Counties. Mr. Montplaisir discussed the <br />possibility of West Fargo becoming a member of the dispatch center. The other large <br />expense is the upgrade to the 911 system and through NDACo, a state-wide effort is <br />underway to improve the equipment necessary for phone companies to supply 911 centers <br />the ability to locate cell phone calls. The joint powers agreement requires the county to pay <br />40% of the wireless revenue to NDACo for this project and after all the towers are upgraded, <br />the county may only pay 10%. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo will visit with the sheriff, who sits on the 911 board, to discuss the possibility of <br />lowering the percentage the county is required to contribute. He also will continue to <br />encourage the City of West Fargo to complete a financial analysis and to consider joining <br />the regional dispatch center. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to approve the 2007 <br />preliminary budget for the 911 Fund in the amount of $402,117. <br />Discussion: Mr. Pawluk feels approval of this motion may be premature <br />and if the county waits, this may be an incentive for the City of West <br />Fargo to become part of the dispatch center and for the state to lower the <br />county's percentage paid toward wireless fees for the enhancement <br />projects. Mr. Wagner does not see either issue being resolved this year <br />and feels it is in the county's best interest to approve the budget. Mr. <br />Montplaisir does not foresee the percentage changing for 2007 as it will <br />take some time to study the issue. Mr. Vanyo said with the exception of <br />the upgrade expenses, the 911 contract fee has remained constant over <br />the last three years. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Document preservation fund and NDRIN fund <br />The document preservation fund is the result of fees collected in the County Recorder's <br />Office when documents are filed and is used to enhance and maintain permanent records in <br />the office. <br />
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