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<br />',. ' <br />. ..' <br /> <br />, " <br />.. . <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />~. <br />~ <br /> <br />D. Up,on expiration of the ten-day period, Valley will report the <br />animal's status to the City. The City will then advise any interested parties, <br />including but not limited to, the person or family of the person bitten, the owner <br />of the an;mHj (if known), public health officials, physicians, and law enforcement <br />agencies, of the status of the rabies case and, will advise the pound as to <br />disposition of the an;ma 1. <br /> <br />E. Dead a11imH!' are to be taken directly to NDSU and all forms and <br />charges handled by Fargo Police Department Co=unity Service Officer. <br /> <br />F. Immediate euthanasia and lab test will only be conducted if <br />requested by a physician or public health department with charges to b~ billed to <br />the City, <br /> <br />]1. Records <br /> <br />A. Valley shall record identi:Bcation and description information for <br />each a11imal impounded, including species, sex; color, size, and type, Valley shall <br />record identi:Bcation information such as license of rabies tag, or any other <br />physical identification. Valley shall also make reasonable effort to notify possible <br />owners of such ..nimH'S. Valley shall make appropriate attempts to identify <br />animals and notify owners of ..nimH Is. . <br /> <br />B. Valley shall provide the City 'With a monthly report showing the <br />following information: <br />1. number of animHIs impounded by type, including City and <br />Cass,C01mty an;mH1s; <br />2. !iisposition of animals (claimed, adopted, euthanized, etc.), <br />including City and Cass County "nimHls. <br /> <br />C. Valley shall keep and record the costs for each animal impounded <br />(including information for both City and Cass County anima 1.) and provide a <br />monthly report to the City concerning the same. <br /> <br />12. Public Disclosure of Records <br /> <br />Valley will maintain a seven calendar day past history of impounded animal. <br />(including both City and Cass County animHls) and disposition, i.e., adoption, ellthH"".ia. <br />When people' call for 'information on an animal posslbly impounded in the past, <br />information will be limited to the preceding seven (7) days history and will include the <br />final disposition of the animal. Animals not claimed by the owner or by an adoption <br />agency will be euthanized after 4:00 pm of their last day in the pound. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />:j;....:r;:R,_, , <br /> <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />p~ 7 &f:9 <br />I... <br />