County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-March 30, 2006 3051 <br /> <br />appendices to recover from the situation, develop a detailed damage assessment, <br />reduce hardship and initiate the appropriate relief actions and mitigation measures <br />by departments and agencies of local government to limit the hardships and <br />impact of this emergency upon the citizens of Cass County. <br /> <br />Dated at Fargo, North Dakota, this 30th day of March, 2006. <br /> <br />3. EMERGENCY FUNDS, Authorized to use <br />Michael Montplaisir, County Auditor, discussed the Emergency Fund, which currently has <br />a balance of $470,000. The 2006 budget includes $50,000 to cover small emergencies <br />and if a large event occurs, the commission would need to approve a supplemental <br />budget to cover the expenses. He suggested the commission authorize the use of the <br />Emergency Fund to pay for flood fighting costs that the county may incur. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to authorize the use of <br />emergency funds for supplies, equipment, and overtime for flood <br />preparations and to repair damage to county infrastructure. On roll <br />call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />4. POLICY ON SAND BAG DISTRIBUTION, Approved <br />Mr. Rogness said in 2001 the county provided 240,000 sand bags and 2,025 cubic yards <br />of sand at no cost to residents outside the metropolitan area. The distribution was <br />determined by the level of risk involved during the flood and was based on a priority <br />system. The county currently has 160,000 sand bags on hand. <br /> <br />A meeting was held earlier today with Governor John Hoeven to discuss flooding in the <br />Red River Valley. After the visit, a group representing county staff and commissioners <br />met and are recommending the county adopt a policy to provide sand bags at no charge, <br />to share in 50% of the cost for sand and to base the distribution on the same priority <br />system used in 2001. <br /> <br />Mr. Sieg suggested property owners be responsible for ordering sand from local suppliers <br />and that the county will reimburse them for half the cost afterward. He and his staff are <br />working on contour maps, taking into consideration the proposed crest and the areas <br />most likely to be impacted. Mr. Sieg anticipates the maps will be ready tomorrow <br />morning and then the public will be notified on how to contact their department for <br />assistance. Mr. Wagner suggested Mr. Sieg and Mr. Rogness work together to prepare a <br />press release. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk said county officials do not want to create a panic but want the public to know <br />that the necessary steps are being taken in case of a flood emergency. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to adopt a policy, subject <br />to the determination of the distribution area by the county highway <br />superintendent and emergency manager, that during the 2006 spring <br />flood, Cass County will provide sand bags at no cost to rural Cass <br />
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