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<br />Commission Minutes--September 20, 1999 2042 <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Schneider moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to add Lot 4 Block <br />2, Dakota Park Addition to City of Fargo, as omitted property for the <br />year 1999 in the amount of $3,051,000 commercial property, according <br />to notice sent from the county auditor to Dakota Park Limited <br />Partnership, Fargo NO. On roll call vote, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />5. CONTRACT APPROVAL, State Tax Department <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Schneider moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to approve the <br />following contract submitted by respective department head and <br />portfolio commissioner, subject to state's attorney approval; and <br />authorize the chairperson to sign: Office of State Tax Commissioner <br />for jail sales tax collection. On roll call vote, motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />6. FLOOD UPDATE, Lake Agassiz Regional Development Corporation <br />Irv Rustad, Lake Agassiz Regional Development Corporation, provided a handout on FEMA <br />(Federal Emergency Management Agency) and HUD (Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development) fund balances and expenditures since the 1997 spring flood. One home under <br />the buy-out program remains to be sold, and the bid opening is set for September 29, 1999. <br />Mrs. Quick asked about land restoration, and Mr. Rustad said some basements need to be filled <br />yet. As far as landscaping, Prairie Restorations, Inc. completed the contract in Heritage Hills. <br /> <br />7. BUDGET, Hearing on 2000 county budget <br />A public hearing was advertised for this date, time and place on the 2000 Cass County budget. <br />Mrs. Quick said it has come to the Board's attention that the preliminary budget was advertised <br />in the newspaper one week prior to this meeting, and the Cass County home rule charter <br />requires that it be published at least two weeks before the public hearing. Therefore, the Board <br />will also hear any comments from the public at the special meeting scheduled for adoption of <br />the final budget on September 27, 1999, at 3:30 PM in the Commission Room, Cass County <br />Courthouse. <br /> <br />Michael Montplaisir, County Auditor, said the proposed budget was published in the official <br />newspaper on three separate occasions--September 13 and 20 in the legal advertising section, <br />as well as a display advertisement on September 15, 1999. <br /> <br />Mrs. Quick invited public comment at this time. Jeannette Stanton, Fargo, said she was the one <br />who called the courthouse earlier today about time requirements for the budget publication, and <br />she suggested someone should read the home rule charter once in awhile. She inquired about <br />the method for reporting the jail sales tax collections to the public, and Mr. Montplaisir said the <br />county will receive a monthly cash deposit and the records are open to the public at any time. <br />He will also report to the board of commissioners periodically and prepare financial reports. <br />She also inquired about why the county coordinator and buildings and grounds budgets are <br />listed together in the general fund. Mr. Montplaisir responded that the county coordinator is in <br />charge of both personnel and buildings and grounds. <br />