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<br />Commission Minutes--March 15, 1999 1954 <br /> <br />14. CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT UNIT, Unbudgeted staff oosition delayed <br />Kathy Ziegelmann, Director of the Southeast Regional Child Support Enforcement Unit, <br />appeared before the Board concerning a request for an unbudgeted, full-time case analyst <br />position with an anticipated starting date of April 1 , 1999. She said the case analysts have been <br />working overtime on computer conversions, as well as working overtime on their regular work, <br />and they still are not current in their work. Each case analyst works approximately 1,400 cases, <br />and the caseloads have been steadily increasing over the past five years, she said. Four of the <br />five case analysts from her staff were also present at today's meeting. <br /> <br />Mrs. Ziegelmann referred to budget sessions last fall when her request for additional staff was <br />denied, and it was her understanding she could return during the year to make a further request, <br />if necessary. She said if the case analyst caseload is not reduced, it will be difficult to properly <br />manage child support enforcement files in order to meet Federal mandates of the IV-D program, <br />and she is also concerned about the level of customer service. <br /> <br />In addition to the materials provided to Commissioners in the agenda packet, Mrs. Ziegelmann <br />provided a hand-out today showing the salary, benefits, and office equipment for this position <br />in the amount of $27,177 for the months of April - December, if the position is started this year. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland suggested delaying a decision for two weeks until the other five counties in the <br />Southeast Region have an opportunity to comment on the staffing request and their expected <br />cost participation. Mrs. Ziegelmann said she has contacted the other five counties about the <br />staffing request, but they have not seen the expense sheet and cost participation information. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland expressed concerns about State and Federal mandates for counties, as the child <br />support enforcement unit had 4-5 employees when first formed, and they now have 20 full-time <br />staff. Commissioners discussed contacting legislators for some relief to counties in this program. <br /> <br />Mr. Koenig said each of the five case analysts are handling a caseload of 1,400 cases, and a <br />1997 survey suggested a case load of 600 files per person. He does not believe one new <br />position will be enough to handle the workload. Mr. Meyer asked if the files would be current <br />by hiring one additional case analyst, and Mrs. Ziegelmann responded that it probably will not <br />be enough but she would like to start with one more at this time and re-evaluate the situation <br />in late fall. <br /> <br />Commissioners discussed the shortage of money in Cass County's budget to pay for the new <br />position, and Mrs. Ziegelmann indicated costs would be recouped through incentive payments <br />and the 20% cost participation from the other counties in this region. She estimated the entire <br />reimbursement to be approximately $15,000. A question was asked about the situation in other <br />regions of the State, and Mrs. Ziegelmann said they are struggling also. She said everything <br />the State is doing now is according to Federal mandates but the problem, as she sees it, is how <br />they have chosen to divide up the duties, such as the shift of income withholding orders from <br />the Clerk's Offices to the Regional Child Support Enforcement Units. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland asked the County Auditor how Cass County would finance their $10-12,000 share <br />of this position, and Mr. Montplaisir said the Commission would have to authorize a budget <br />adjustment in the Child Support Enforcement budget, as well as Social Services. Kathy Hogan, <br />Cass County Social Services Director, was also present for this discussion and indicated there <br />is a $30,000 shortage in reimbursements for computer costs in the budget. <br />
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