County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--December 7, 1998 1904 <br /> <br />13. RESOLUTION #1998-20, MIDA Bond application submitted by the Diocese of Fargo <br />A public hearing was advertised for this date and time on the request for MIDA Bond financing <br />submitted by the Diocese of Fargo in the amount of $3,000,000. The bond proceeds will be <br />used to finance the acquisition of real estate, the renovation of improvements thereon for use <br />as a middle school and the construction of a gymnasium and cafeteria located at 2720 32nd <br />Avenue SW, Fargo, North Dakota, according to the application form. <br /> <br />Attorney Jim Stewart was present to answer any questions on behalf of the bond applicant. This <br />bond request will count toward the county's $10 million annual limit, according to Mr. Stewart; <br />and the county's bond total for 1998 will be $7.5 million if this application is approved. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schneider opened the public hearing and invited comments. Hearing none, the public <br />hearing was closed. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Quick moved and Mr. Meyer seconded to adopt Resolution <br />#1998-20 Authorizing the Issuance of First Mortgage Revenue Bonds <br />(Sullivan Middle School) Series 1998, and Approving and Authorizing <br />the Execution and Delivery of the Lease Agreement, the Mortgage, <br />and Other Documents. On roll call vote, motion carried unanimously. <br />The resolution is on file in the County Auditor's Office. <br /> <br />14. HERITAGE HILLS ESTATE, Deed accepted to Lot 24. Block 1 <br />County Auditor Michael Montplaisir was approached by the Heritage Hills Homeowner's <br />Association about transferring ownership to the county of a lot in their subdivision, which was <br />a non-buildable lot even before the 1997 flood. The county owns other lots in the subdivision <br />because of the flood buy-out program. <br /> <br />Jim Schmit was present from the Heritage Hills Homeowner's Association to answer any <br />questions. He said the lot in question currently has a City of Fargo sewer lift station on it and <br />the homeowner's association does not wish to continue paying the taxes because the lot is of <br />no value to them at this time. Mr. Montplaisir's only concern is that holding the deed does not <br />cost the county any money. He said the 1997 and 1998 taxes would be abated. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Meyer moved and Mrs. Quick seconded that Cass County accept <br />the deed, at no cost to the county, to Lot 24, Block 1, Heritage Hills <br />Estates, due to the lot being non-buildable and the county purchasing <br />other lots in the subdivision under the flood buy-out program. On roll <br />call vote, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />15. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, Juvenile Block Grant Funds <br />Glenn Ellingsberg, Sheriff's Department, was present to discuss a joint application for federal <br />funds through the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) program. A total of <br />$151,704 is available to the entire county over a 24-month period beginning January 1, 1999; <br />and Cass County's direct share would be about $37,000 for the two years. He suggested <br />forming a County Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition with one representative from each of <br />the following entities: 1) Juvenile Court/Probation; 2) State's Attorney; 3) Fargo Police <br />Department; 4) West Fargo Police Department; 5) Fargo School District; 6) Youth Works; 7) <br />Cass County Sheriff; and 8) private business. <br />
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