County Commission
Entry Properties
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Commission Minutes--July 30, 1997 1671 <br /> <br />the Auditor's Office would know for future cases. Mr. Goff said he is willing to advise the Auditor's <br />Office on that. <br /> <br />In discussion among commissioners, Mr. Wieland said questions to consider are whether these two <br />properties meet the test of being taxable as far as the current law is concerned, and whether or not <br />the proper procedures were followed in notifying the property owners of the proposed tax increase. <br /> <br />Mr. Klein believes the county board has the authority to make corrections in valuation if an error <br />occurs at the township level, and he thinks due process is still being served because the property <br />owners may appeal to the State Board of Equalization and to the courts, if necessary. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schneider attended a presentation last week by Barry Hasti, Supervisor of Assessments for the <br />North Dakota State Tax Department, and he indicated to her that the county board of equalization <br />has the implied authority to make changes in assessments within their respective county. If the <br />county board of equalization does look at individual assessments, the county is required to notify <br />the owners; and Mr Klein has done that on two separate occasions for the two properties being <br />discussed at this time. <br /> <br />The board discussed the statutes relating to convening the county board of equalization each year. <br />Mr. Goff said the county board of equalization is to convene within the first 10 days of June each <br />year and conduct a continuous day-to-day meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal <br />holidays, until it completes all duties prescribed by this chapter, NDCC 57-12-01. <br /> <br />In addition, the Board received correspondence from the North Dakota Stockmen's Association and <br />from Sinner Bros. & Bresnahan asking that the county not assess these hog operations and to allow <br />the 1999 Legislature to clarify state law on farm exemptions. Mrs. Quick, however, reminded <br />commissioners of the county mission statement established for the board which includes that the <br />board must assure property tax assessment and collection is accomplished, as dictated by statute. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Schneider moved and Mrs. Quick seconded that the Christopher <br /> Tallackson and Andrew Levos properties be classified as commercial <br /> operations, as recommended by the Cass County Director of Equalization. <br /> On roll call vote, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />MOTION, failed <br />Mrs. Quick moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded that the Levos <br />commercial operation located in the SE% of Section 9, Walburg Township, <br />be assessed at $30,000 full and true value. Discussion: Mr. Koenig <br />asked if this is the property that was not assessed by the local board, and <br />Mr. Klein said that is correct. Mr. Koenig then asked if the county board <br />can legally correct that, and Mr. Goff responded that the county board has <br />the right to increase property by providing five days written notice of the <br />intent to the landowner, however, it was questionable as to when the five <br />days should start, considering the county board of equalization was to <br />meet within the first ten days in June, and meet continuously. At the call <br />for the question and upon roll call vote, motion failed with Mrs. Quick and <br />Mrs. Schneider voting "Aye"; Mr. Wieland, Mr. Meyer and Mr. Koenig <br />voting "No." <br /> <br /> <br />
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