County Commission
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Commission Minutes--July 7, 1997 1656 <br /> <br />Wesley Belter <br />Mr. Belter lives in Maple River Township and is a legislator from Cass County. He is the chairman <br />of the House Tax & Finance Committee of the state legislature. He said an interim study has been <br />done before on the issue of farm exemptions. He discussed the Burkel Turkey Farm in Richland <br />County. The turkey farm is not taxed as a commercial operation. After the initial interim study on <br />farm exemptions, the legislature decided Richland County should decide whether to tax the turkey <br />farm. However, similar situations have now arisen in Cass County. <br /> <br />Mr. Belter asked the Commission to delay any decisions on taxing commercial operations and let <br />the legislature do another interim study to determine the guidelines for farm exemptions and to <br />clarify the law. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schneider was concerned about repercussions if the Commission did not follow the Supreme <br />Court decision. <br /> <br />Jonathan Garaas <br />Attorney Jonathan Garaas spoke on behalf of his client, Chris Tallackson, who is concerned that <br />his hog raising will be taxed as commercial industry. Mr. Garaas said Butts Feed Lots Inc. court <br />case outlined five defining factors (North Dakota Century Code 57-02-08(15)) that would a tax <br />exemption. He said Mr. Tallackson's situation falls under all five factors. He also noted that state <br />statutes were not followed as Mr. Tallackson did not receive written notice of an increase in his <br />assessment. He suggested this property be treated as agricultural land until the interim study is <br />completed. <br /> <br />Mr. Klein said Mr. Tallackson's property was assessed by Gill Township at $75,000 and the township <br />did not send a notice of increase. He said this property is not on the list of individual increases for <br />action at today's meeting. However, Mr. Klein noted that the county will send a written notice to Mr. <br />Tallackson and will assess his property. He suggested this property be discussed at the July 21st <br />Commission meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland asked for the definition of a family farm. Mr. Belter said everyone has his or her own <br />definition of a family farm; however, he considers it to be a farm managed by the owner or operator <br />and the farm can be any size. Mr. Belter said the interim committee also has to address this <br />question. <br /> <br />Mrs. Quick does not want to ignore Mr. Klein's interpretation of the law. She feels the statute should <br />be followed in order to prompt further action that may encourage changes to the law. <br /> <br />Mr. Klein said as the Tax Director he also is in a difficult position. He has to answer to all the <br />taxpayers. He feels if this is a bad law, maybe it should be enforced in order to instigate an appeal <br />or to change the law. He said this issue is a problem the State Board of Equalization and the <br />legislature need to address. <br /> <br />Allen Baumgarten <br />Mr. Baurngarten lives in Durbin Township and is the township assessor. He said Mr. Klein did not <br />contact him regarding increases in the township. He admitted that some properties are valued too <br />Iow and some too high; however, he feels the spring flooding should be considered when raising the <br />values in Durbin Township. <br /> <br /> <br />
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