County Commission
Entry Properties
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Commission Minutes--July 7, 1997 1657 <br /> <br />He distributed pictures of his property surrounded by water this spring. He asked why certain <br />property values cannot be lowered in these type of situations. Mr. Klein said the County <br />Commission cannot lower an assessment unless the property owner files an appeal. The <br />Commission does not have the power to lower individual assessments. <br /> <br />He said a listing of the township sales would be helpful during the assessment process. Otherwise, <br />he has no figures to use when making assessment decisions. Mr. Klein said his office maintains a <br />book of assessment figures which are open to the public. <br /> <br />Robin Kress <br />Mrs. Kress said she and her husband own an 8.48 acre farmstead one mile from Mapleton, North <br />Dakota, in Durbin Township. She received a notice that their property value will be increased from <br />$39,300 to $60,000 and was shocked by the large increase. However, she did say $60,000 was <br />close to the price they paid for the property. <br /> <br />Linda Heyerman <br />Mrs. Heyerman said she and her husband own a 10.72 acre tract northwest of Durbin Village in <br />Durbin Township. They have lived in this home for 25 years. She said that half of the 10.72 acres <br />is tillable. She also received a notice that their property value will be increased from $21,300 to <br />$60,000. She noted that the foundation of the house has already been replaced once and now the <br />floors are heaving because the foundation work was not done properly. She and her husband have <br />to decide whether to demolish their house and live in a trailer or to continue to live in the house. The <br />flood waters came within 1~ feet of their house. Also, she said a neighbor raised a coulee only on <br />one side which also affected their flooding situation. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland questioned if the coulee project falls under the jurisdiction of the Water Resource <br />District. He asked Mr. Meyer to contact the Water Resource Board to find the answer. <br /> <br />Keith Gohdes <br />Mr. Gohdes said he lives in Section 10 of Durbin Township. He said his property is in the floodplain. <br />He manages his father's farmstead and questioned why the property is not exempt as a family farm. <br />He received a notice that the property value will be increased from $42,900 to $78,000. He cannot <br />justify a $40 per month increase when he struggled with the flooding this spring. He feels the <br />valuation increase is "obscene and oppressive" after all the problems this past winter and spring. <br /> <br />Mr. Klein said the increases in values were figured before the flooding occurred. He said an option <br />is available to reduce property values on a pro-rated basis. He showed file pictures of the <br />Heyerman, Gohdes and Kress properties to the Commission. He was planning to review all of <br />Durbin Township this fall to see if properties represent market value. Mr. Baumgarten said he <br />misunderstood Mr. Klein and did not realize he was planning a review. Mr. Klein agreed that rural <br />residential properties are selling rather high but he cannot control the market. The increases he is <br />recommending are based on recent sales in Durbin Township. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schneider said in light of the many questions in Durbin Township, she feels a decision on the <br />Durbin Township increases should be discussed at the July 21st Commission meeting. Also, the <br />question regarding the Levos and Tallackson properties should also be tabled until the next meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />
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