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Commission Minutes--December 2, 1996 1551 <br /> <br />AMENDED MOTION, failed <br />Mr. Ness moved to amend the original motion to include item 3.2. Mrs. <br />Toussaint relinquished the Chair to Vice Chair, Mrs. Schneider, in order <br />to second the amended motion. At the call for the question and on roll <br />call vote, the motion failed with Mr. Ness and Mrs. Toussaint voting <br />"Aye;" Mr. Eckert, Mr. Wieland and Mrs. Schneider opposing. The <br />Chair was returned to Mrs. Toussaint. <br /> <br />Further discussion on the main motion: Mr. Goff asked that his attorney, Robert Feder, be allowed <br />to address the Commission. Mrs. Toussaint asked Mr. Strommen if that would be appropriate <br />at this time. Mr. Strommen said the Commission could vote on that question. He was concerned, <br />however, that other attorney's and their clients, who are participants in this matter, would not <br />necessarily be given an opportunity to make statements at this time. <br /> <br />At the call for the question and on roll call vote, the motion carried with <br />four members voting "Aye" and Mr. Eckert opposing. However, after <br />the vote, Mr. Wieland said he thought he was voting on whether or not <br />to allow Mr. Goff or his attorney to make a statement. Mrs. Schneider <br />said she also thought the question was on opening the discussion to <br />Mr. Feder. However, there was no motion to that effect. The vote, <br />therefore, was withdrawn on the main motion. <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Schneider moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to allow Mr. Feder to <br />participate in the discussion. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Mr. Feder asked the Board to consider whether or not they needed to adopt anything at all. He <br />said John Goff wants to have a smooth-running office and does not want any employee to feel <br />hostility or any retaliation. When the Commission started the investigation, he said it had a <br />responsibility to do so. Now that the investigation is completed, he does not see a need for the <br />Commission to micro-manage the department. If any action is taken, he said Option ^. 1, which <br />calls for no censure or reprimand, would be better than any of the other options. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland does not believe the Commission is micro-managing the department but will have <br />a watchful eye on the situation. Mr. Ness made reference to a meeting he and Mr. Wieland had <br />with Mr. Goff about two years ago, and the Commission chose not to do anything further at that <br />time, but this situation requires action. <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Schneider moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to adopt Resolution <br />#1996-27 as follows: <br /> <br />WHEREAS, upon review of the information provided to the Commission <br />as a result of and arising out of the investigation; <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMISSION RESOLVES TO ADOPT THE <br />FOLLOWING ADMONISHMENT AND ACTION REGARDING CONDUCT <br />OF JOHN GOFF: <br /> <br /> <br />
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