County Commission
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Commission Minutes--December 2, 1996 1550 <br /> <br />He said the taxpayers have been very well served by this Commission because of the prompt <br />action taken. <br /> <br />Additional written concerns or statements have been submitted by county employees associated <br />with the investigation since the time of the reports submitted by Ms. Jerich and Mr. Kildahl. <br /> <br />Mr. Strommen discussed the Commission's limitations and discretionary authority under the North <br />Dakota Century Code. The Commission has no authority to force Mr. Goff to resign and no <br />authority to remove him from office or fire him. Ultimately, elected county officials are answerable <br />to their electorate. Mr. Strommen said, however, the Commission has the duty to supervise the <br />conduct of the respective county offices and superintend the fiscal affairs of the county. <br /> <br />Mr. Strommen recommended that the County Commission act on two issues: the conduct of John <br />Goff and recommended changes to improve the State's Attorney's Office work environment. <br /> <br />Statement and action regarding conduct of John Goff <br />Commissioners proceeded to discuss the options outlined by Mr. Strommen. Mrs. Schneider <br />asked for clarification of the terms admonition, censure and sanction. Mr. Strommen then defined <br />the terms for the Board. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland said this has been a very serious and very difficult situation. He said the County has <br />tried, through its personnel policies, to provide a safe working environment in all county offices. <br />He believes there is some evidence in Ms. Jerich's report that suggests John Goff has not done <br />some things correctly and there is a need for admonition or censure of some sort. In moving <br />forward, he sees a need to work cooperatively in order to best serve the citizens of Cass County. <br />Mr. Eckert said he bases his decisions on facts, not on rumors. Mr. Ness said he is concerned <br />about providing a safe working environment for all county employees. <br /> <br />Mr. Ness asked Mr. Goff why Elizabeth Schiltz was present at a meeting when he called in one <br />of his secretaries to inquire about the contents of his personal mail being communicated outside <br />the office. Mr. Goff responded that Ms. Schlitz was already in his office on business and he <br />wanted to have a witness, someone from outside the office, present when he discussed this issue. <br />Mr. Ness then asked if Mr. Goff questioned other secretaries in the office, and he said he did not <br />want to make a big deal of it but just wanted some information. Mr. Ness said the Commission <br />needs to be sure employees who work in that office on a day-to-day basis do not suffer any <br />retaliation. <br /> <br />MOTION, vote withdrawn <br />Mm. Schneider moved and Mr. Wieland seconded that the Commission <br />look at Option A.2, including 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3; to look at Option A.3, <br />second sentence of 3.3 but deleting the first sentence; and to look at <br />option A.3, including 3.4 in its entirety. Discussion: Mr. Eckert said he <br />could support option 3.4 creating a better working environment in the <br />State's Attorney's Office but he could not support the rest of the <br />motion. Mrs. Toussaint suggested including the first sentence in 3.2 <br />rather than omitting it. <br /> <br /> <br />
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