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Comm. Ninutes--February 19, 1991 630 <br /> <br />13. <br /> <br />14. <br /> <br />AUDITOR'S OFFICE SPACE RECONFIGURATION, Bids to be solicited and money <br />to be allocated for project <br />County Auditor, Michael Montplaisir, said the main reason for the <br />reconfiguration of the Auditor's Office and relocating the Tax <br />Director's Office is so the taxpayer would have one centralized area <br />to go instead of two. Also, he said the Auditor's Office would <br />benefit from the Tax Director's expertise. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir said the project would involve demolishing his office <br />and reconfiguring the work space to create three offices, He stressed <br />this project would not combine these two offices, but just relocate <br />the Tax Director's Office. Mr. Frank Klein, Director of Tax <br />Equalization, said the County would be able to better serve the public <br />by relocating his office so all the tax-related offices would be in <br />one area. <br /> <br />There was discussion on how to fund the remodeling and <br />reconfiguration. Mr. Wieland mentioned using money from the line item <br />budgeted for the Jail Resolution ($70,000) or from the Contingency <br />Fund. Not all of the money from the Jail line item will be needed due <br />to the renovation of the Jail. <br /> <br />Chairman Gene Shannon said use of the space freed up when' the Tax <br />Director relocates is to be determined by the Commission. He also <br />asked Ms. Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator, if this relocation was <br />one of the Cass County Model Project's recommendations and Ms. Johnson <br />agreed it was included in the Model. MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Toussaint moved and Mr. Wie]and seconded to allocate <br /> up to $30,000 available to County Auditor and Director of <br /> Equalization to remodel and furnish space presently <br /> occupied by County Auditor; and to authorize County Auditor <br /> and Director of Equalization to solicit bids for remodeling <br /> of space presently occupied by County Auditor. On roll <br /> call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />DATA PROCESSING STAFFING REQUEST, Deferred until March 4th meetin~ <br />Mr. Mike Steiner, Data Processing Coordinator, was present to request <br />authorization to hire one additional full-time staff member. He had <br />distributed a list of the work load to the Commissioners. <br /> <br />Chairman Shannon said the work load is not prioritized and he believes <br />the County should be considering two or three temporary full-time <br />employees in order to complete new programming development more <br />quickly. At the same time, it may keep the County from having to add <br />any new permanent positions. He requested a detailed work plan from <br />Mr, Steiner which would prioritize each task. <br /> <br />Mr. Risher asked that this request be deferred until the next <br />Commission meeting. He and Mr. Steiner will set up a meeting with the <br />department heads and bring back a detailed and prioritized work plan <br />for 1991 for the Data Processing Department. <br /> <br /> <br />
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