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Comm. Minutes--O~;bober' 3; i9;39 357 <br /> <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF ¢OHHISSIONERS <br /> <br />OCTOBER 3, 1989 <br /> <br />1. MEETING TO ORDER <br />Chairman Don Eckert called the meeting to o~*der with ail members <br />present as follows: Oscar SondFa/I, Alon Wie'land, Don Eckert, Sharon <br />"Pepper" Toussaint, and Gene Shannon. <br /> <br />2. MINUTES APPROVED NOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Sondrall moved and Mrs. Toussaint seconded to approve <br /> the minutes of the last regu]ar meeting of September 19 and <br /> the special meetings of September 25 and 28, 1989. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> <br />3. POLICY ON COMPENSATORY TIME, Sheriff and Social Services <br />Personnel Assistarlb SaRdra Brumfield was absent from ti:e las~ r-egular <br />meeting but provided copies of a proposed policy on {.:oiflpelisat¢'~ry ~i~e <br />and overtime simiiar to 'the policy in effect 'in Cour~ty Socia'l <br />Services. <br /> <br />Scott Kildahl, ActiI19 Director of Social Ser'v]ces, said the <br />preliminary assessment on the Wage and hour audit by the Department <br />of Labor's Wage and Hour Divisi6n shows that $50,300 'is owed in back <br />pay to Social Services employees. He has negotiated some of the <br />items and is continuing the negotiatior~s. The Social Set'vices <br />Department is now in compliance according to Mr. Kildahl, and non- <br />exempt employees do not work without prior' approval of their <br />supervisor. <br /> <br />Mr. Shannon said the Social Services Board should have no'~.ified bhe <br />County Commission of the amount of' back pay. owed to employees so it <br />could be included in the 1990 budget. The Comrnlss~on Secl-etar'y Joyce <br />Schepp was asked to attend the September 25 Social Set-vices Board <br />meeting since Commissioners Toussaint and Sondr:~l I, So~..:~al Set-vice <br />Board members, could not attend because the County Cor~';mission was <br />budgeting at the time. It was from the Commission Secre. taFy's notes <br />that the Commission decided it was necessary bo add a f~gur'e to the <br />budget before finalizing it that week. Mr. Ki ldahl s'~.:~ted [.l'~a'~ 'lC <br />was a matter of timing that they did not bring tt to Ehe CommisslOl~ <br />and an oversight, which he apologized for. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland asked if there is a time frame when this n~Ol'~ey wi I/ be <br />paid, and Mr. Ki ldah t stated bhat he had '1.:.o gu~r-.'_~'~'t:~e 'in 't:.he <br />concluding interview that the department would be in compliance, but <br />no deadline was given when payment has 'bo be rnac~e. <br /> <br />Concerning compensation for employees carrying pagers, Hr. K~ Idahi <br />has been assoc i ated wit. h severa I or'gan ~ zab'lons where on-ca Ii <br />employees are paid a flat rate or granted compensatory time. Mr. <br />Shannon stated that there are a number of' emp Ioyees in this <br />organization carrying pagers for which compensatory time is not <br />allowed. He said the exempt employees were '~ell-def]nrz. d, arid [.he <br />Commission is trying to uniformly apply County policies. Mr. K:i Idahl <br />said he will honor the decision that the Commisoion m~kes. <br /> <br /> <br />