09-28-1989 BUDGET
County Commission
09-28-1989 BUDGET
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Comm. Hinutes--September 28, 1989 352 <br /> <br />existing health service activities. 2) This investigation <br />group is to determine from the County's core business what <br />the statutory requirements and non-statutory interests are <br />in having health services on behalf of the County. 3) <br />Their report is to be given to the County Commission by <br />December 1, if possible. 4) The funds are to be held in <br />escrow even after that report until a new contract is <br />developed and signed by all concerned parties, if one is to <br />be signed, before any funds are released from the health <br />account for 1990. Motion carried. <br /> <br />6. JOB DEVELOPMENT, Levy approved MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Toussaint seconded to fund the <br /> Fargo Cass-County Economic Development at $104,000 for 1990 <br /> with the following annotations to the budget: 1) That <br /> there be a 5% reduction in 1991 and 1992, with an <br /> additional review at that time, and that the 5% reduction <br /> for 1991 and 1992 be placed in a loan pool; and that when <br /> an organization such as the Lake Agassiz Regional Council <br /> needs additional funding for a Cass County project that <br /> their project be considered. 2) That the Fargo-Cass County <br /> Economic Development Corporation establishes a loan pool <br /> goal and that they establish an annual job increase goal. <br /> Mr. Shannon moved and Mrs. Toussaint seconded to amend the <br /> motion to reflect that the suggested loan pool target for <br /> these funds be held in County escrow until the County can <br /> approve the suitability of a loan pool and that a real <br /> reduction be included of an additional 5% for each of the <br /> years 1991 and 1992. Motion carried on the amended motion. <br /> Hotion carried on the main motion. <br /> <br />7, HEARING ON COUNTY BUDGET <br />At 9:15 a.m. the Chairman called for a public hearing as advertised <br />in the officia'l newspaper, The Forum, Sheriff Don Rudnick was <br />present and stabed that members of 'the Jail Advisory Committee wanted <br />him to request the Commission to reconsider funding for new positions <br />in the jail. Hr. Wieland suggested delaying this action until after <br />the public hearing. Chairman Eckert asked for any further comment or <br />suggestions from the general pub'lic as far as the 1990 budget is <br />concerned and hearing none, he declared the public hearing closed. <br /> <br />8. JAIL STAFF MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Shannon moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to allow for the <br /> position titled work program coordinator with an annotation <br /> in the 1990 budget that 1) Funding will either come from a <br /> transfer of funds from the addiction counselor position, <br /> depending on grant availability for that position, or that <br /> the Sheriff make his own priority decisions from his <br /> various budgets to fund the position in the absence of that <br /> grant money. 2) That this position be eligible for filling <br /> at the first appropriate moment from the standpoint of the <br /> budget. 3) That while it may be included in the staff <br /> analysis, it does not need to be impounded subject to the <br /> staffing analysis. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> <br />
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