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<br />Commission Minutes--June 16,2003 2608 <br /> <br />In addition, Mrs. Biewer said she has offered her services, or that of an assistant, to work <br />with all of the communities in the county letting them know what activities they are <br />conducting and what they can do on a contract basis to provide services. <br /> <br />13. VOUCHERS, Approved <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to approve Vouchers No. <br />177,266 through No. 178,058. On roll call vote, the motion carried with <br />four members voting "Aye" and Mr. Meyer being absent at the time. <br /> <br />14. PERSONNEL OVERVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING WITH SALARY CONSULTANT; <br />BUILDING AND GROUNDS UPDATE; MEETING UPDATES; ELECTION REPORT; <br />BUDGETS, Committee reports <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator, asked if commissioners think the county's consultant <br />should attend another meeting of the Personnel Overview Committee to discuss the <br />comprehensive salary survey, and it was agreed that it would be helpful to have an <br />explanation and be able to ask questions of the consultant. It appears the next available <br />commission date to have the consultant present would be July 21St, as his schedule would <br />not permit him to attend the first Monday in July. Mrs. Johnson asked if that would be too <br />late for the auditor's budget schedule, and Mr. Montplaisir said there would be enough time <br />to enter salary figures for budget purposes if a suggestion could be made by the first <br />meeting in August. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson reported on carpet cleaning at the courthouse, and window cleaning will begin <br />soon. She said a surprise fire inspection was conducted last week, with no deficiencies <br />noted. <br /> <br />Mr. Meyer said he has been attending meetings of the water resource districts and working <br />on issues with their board members. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett attended a recent Fargo Cass Public Health Board meeting, and they are <br />working on their 2004 budget. He said there will not be a significant increase for Cass <br />County, however, they do intend to request two part-time nurses for the jail. Mr. Wagner <br />said he spoke with Kathy Hogan, Social Services Director, earlier today and she suggested <br />that Commissioner Bennett take her place as Cass County's representative on the Board of <br />Health, and she will serve as alternate. Mr. Bennett was agreeable and there were no <br />objections from other members of the commission. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo reported on the East Central Commissioners meeting that he and Mr. Meyer <br />attended in Hillsboro on June 9th. Mr. Meyer is the chairman of that group this year. Mr. <br />Vanyo also attended a Social Service strategic planning session and was impressed with <br />their process. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir said voter turnout was very low for the Fargo School Board election <br />conducted by his office on June 10th, however, it was a good opportunity for election <br />workers to learn how the new precinct scanners operate. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner suggested that commissioners be mindful of the taxpayers who presented tax <br />equalization appeals again this year when the board begins budget deliberations for 2004. <br />