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Application For Abatement And Settlement Of Taxes <br /> North Dakota Century Code § 57-23-04 <br /> <br />File with lhe County Auditor on or before November 1 of the year following the year in which the tax becomes delinquent. <br /> <br />State Of North Dakota <br /> <br />County Of ~ ~,. ~ 5 <br />Name PO,.U, cl 4- /~O.r-,' ]~ t~ <br /> <br />Legal descripfioa of the property involved In this application: <br /> <br />AsseSsment District 5 't GL r~ I ,e._ ~./ 'T D,..) tO <br />Property I.D. No. ~cq-OOOO-C~YSL/-O0~) <br /> <br />Tolal true and full value of the property described Total true and full value of the property described <br />above for the year 51 00~ is: above for the year ~ tSO.T~should be: <br /> <br /> Land $ ~/Di~6~ ~,~-Jr ]71?~) ~'a~ ("'OJl' Land $ <br /> Improvements $~'Cl'lt~0~~f~a-c') ~('OC,.,~Ol''a~ Improvements $. <br /> <br /> (t) (2) <br /> <br />Thedifferenceof$ /I 7,700 true and full value between (1) and (2) above ls due to the following reason(s): <br /> <br /> 1. Agricultural property true and full value exceeds its agricultural value defined in N.D.C.C. § 57-02-27.2 <br /> 2. Residential or commercial property's true aud fifil value exceeds the market value <br /> 3. Error in property description, entering the description, or extendiug the tax <br /> 4. Nonexisting improvement assessed <br /> 5. Complainant or property is exempt from taxation (Attach a copy of Application for Property 'Fax Exemption) <br /> 6. Duplicate assessment <br /> 7. Property improvement was damaged by fire, flood or tornado (see ND.C.C. § 57-23-04(1)(g)) <br /> 8. Error in noting payment of taxes, taxes erroneously paid <br /> 9. <br /> lo. <br /> <br />Property qnalifies for Ilomestead Credit according to N.D.C.C. § 57-02-08.1 (Attach a copy of Ilomestead Credit Application) <br />Other (Explain) <br /> <br />The following facts relate to the market value of the residential or commercial property described above. For agricultural property, go directly to <br />question #5. <br /> <br />I. Purchase price of property: $ Date of purchase: <br /> Terms: Cash Contract Trade Other (explain) <br /> <br /> Was there personal property involved in the purchase price? Estimated value: $ <br /> yes/no <br /> <br />2. Ilas the property been offered for sale on the open market? . If yes, how long?. yes/no <br /> <br /> Asking price: $ Terms of sale: <br /> <br />3. The property was independently appraised: <br /> yes/no <br /> <br />Appraisal was made by whom? <br /> <br />Purpose of appraisal: <br /> <br /> Market value estimate: $ <br /> <br />4. The applicaut's estimate of market value of the property involved in this application is $ <br /> <br />5. The estimated agricultural productive value of this property Js excessive because of the following condition(s): <br /> <br />By filing this application, t consent to an inspection of the above-described property by an authorized assessment officiM for the purpose of making an <br />appraisal of the property. I understand the official will give me reasonable notificatiou of the inspection. See N.D.C.C. § 57-23-05.1. <br /> <br />I declare under the penalties of N.D.C.C. § 12.1-11-02, which provides for a Class A misdemeanor for nliiki~g a false statement in a governmental <br />matter, that this application is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a tree and co~ect 9pplication. <br /> <br />Signalure of Preparer (if other than applicant) Date Signa~re of Applicant " Date <br /> <br /> <br />