Amended items
County Commission
Amended items
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<br />Commission Minutes-August 11, 2005 2939 <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to approve the 2006 <br />preliminary budget for the NDRIN Fund at $196,000. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />4. COUNTY COORDINATOR, COMMISSION, PERSONNEL, RISK MANAGEMENT, <br />BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS <br />Mrs. Johnson referred to changes outlined in budget summary cover letters dated July 14 <br />and July 18, 2005. She first discussed the request for a new hire in the B21 pay grade to <br />use the empty office next to hers, and the position would assist equally in personnel, the <br />commission office and the county coordinator. Another request in Mrs. Johnson's budget is <br />to move funds for the security officers at the courthouse and annex to the sheriff's budget, <br />since the sheriff is more equipped to supervise and respond to security/law enforcement <br />issues and search and seizure questions. Security cards to access county buildings are the <br />responsibility of the sheriff's department. <br /> <br />Other changes include a Cass County Youth Commission budget of $5,000 in the <br />commission committee expense line item; funds to replace the laptop computers used by <br />the commissioners and Mrs. Johnson; and replacement of the wood flooring in the <br />courthouse at an estimated cost of $60,000. The buildings and grounds budget for jail <br />expenses was increased in her budget to reflect the gas meter connection recently <br />discovered by Xcel Energy. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson added a request in her budget letter of July 18th for a new maintenance <br />employee in the jail section of the buildings and grounds budget. If approved, she would <br />request the position be assigned to the jail operations budget for supervision by jail <br />administration. She said the four-person buildings and grounds staff keeps busy enough <br />with other duties at the courthouse, annex and jail, without the extra work caused by the <br />misbehavior of inmates at the jail. Mrs. Johnson provided pictures of blocked ductwork in <br />the jail caused by inmatesstuffing toilet paper and toothpaste in the HVAC systems, <br />defacing flat surfaces, and using lead pencils to remove grout from the cement block walls. <br />She believes a new custodial person could also supervise trustee inmates in projects, such <br />as painting, floor cleaning and waxing. Current buildings and grounds employees were <br />present and answered questions about the nature and frequency of inmate vandalism. <br /> <br />Commissioners discussed jail designs and whether or not the facility is being operated as a <br />direct supervision jail. There was a consensus to delay this item and discuss it again when <br />the sheriff and jail administrator have their budget hearing. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir suggested leaving this portion of the budget for now, and he informed the <br />board that he changed the commission travel budget to reflect equal amounts in a line item <br />for each commission district. Also, he said the amount in the courthouse maintenance line <br />item appears to reflect only the estimate of the wood floor replacement. Mrs. Johnson said <br />the general maintenance should be a total of $110,000, which includes $60,000 for the <br />wood floor replacement. Mr. Pawluk asked about alternatives for the wood floor, such as <br />carpet or tile. Mrs. Johnson said she is looking at other hard surfaces but would not favor <br />carpeting public hallway areas. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo suggested reviewing Mrs. Johnson's budget request on page 44, the changes <br />being the addition of a staff person next to her office and new laptops for commissioners. <br />
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