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permit coverage. This plan will operate in accordance with all of the appropriate <br />BMPs within this SWPPP. This site plan will include: <br /> <br />1. A site map indicating drainage pattems, the outline of the drainage area for <br /> each outfall, areas used for storage or disposal of materials, and any existing <br /> structures to reduce storm water contamination. <br />2. A list of any significant materials that may be exposed to or may contact <br /> storm water. Each material shall identify the method and location for storage, <br /> disposal, and outdoor processing. <br />3. A description of any BMPs used to minimize the contact of storm water with <br /> materials or reduce pollutants in storm runoff. <br />4. Assess the potential for various sources at the site to contribute pollutants to <br /> storm runoff. <br />5. An evaluation of non-storm water discharges. Any non-storm water discharge <br /> from the site must be removed or controlled in accordance with MCM 3. <br />6. A description of BMPs that will be implemented to minimize potential <br /> pollutant sources. The site-specific plan must include BMPs to minimize <br /> storm water contact with materials at the site, spill prevention and response <br /> procedures, and sediment/erosion controls for areas vulnerable to erosion. <br />7. Annual inspection focusing on non-storm water-related discharges, <br /> deterioration, and overall effectiveness of structural BMPs. <br />8. Documentation of discharges, spills, inspections, and maintenance on BMPs. <br /> A record of inspections shall summarize the inspection, observations, date, <br /> and name of the inspector. <br /> <br />Measurable Goals: <br />$ Completion of the site plan within 90 days of obtaining permit coverage. <br />$ Annual inspection results and documentation summary for the annual report. <br /> <br />Responsible Department: <br />Cass County Engineer's Office <br /> <br />Develop an Equipment Maintenance ProGram <br />The Cass County Engineer's Office will develop and implement a pollution <br />prevention measure for an outreach and training program directed at operations <br />and maintenance fleets involved in equipment maintenance. <br /> <br />Measurable Goals: <br />$ Number of employees trained in preventing pollution from automobile <br /> maintenance activities. <br />$ Number of spills reported. <br />$ Number of educational materials distributed at the maintenance shop. <br /> <br />Responsible Department: <br />Cass County Engineer's Office <br /> <br />24 <br /> <br /> <br />