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February 13, 2003 <br /> <br />Ms. Bonnie Johnson: <br /> <br /> RECEIVED <br /> FEB ! 3 2003 <br />CASS COUNTY COMMISSION <br /> <br />Re: Response to the Historical Society comments regarding West Addition. <br /> <br />At the request of Cass County, Foss Associates has the following comments about moving <br />the proposed west addition to the north and east and why the Historical Society's suggestion <br />that "adjustments should be easily completed" are not as simple as they are made out to be. <br /> <br />1. The footprint of the proposed expansion plan was mirrored to accommodate the <br /> existing sheriff's residence as part of future project. It gave no consideration to <br /> program requirements and spatial adjacencies. <br />2. Historical Society's proposal gives no consideration with this expansion to the <br /> original courthouse on the west side. The only remaining visible part of the <br /> courthouse is the south addition. <br />3. Requires the shoring at the sheriff's residence to be augured and braced back into the <br /> parking area of the lower level during construction because of the close proximity of <br /> the addition to the residence (less than 5 feet). Structural engineers state a concern <br /> that with any movement in soils around the sheriff's residence could be extremely <br /> detrimental to the buildings future and contractors would be sure to consider this in <br /> the bidding process. Underpinning of the footings around the sheriff's residence <br /> would be another option but equally as cosily. <br />4. Courthouse would now require shoring or excavation all the way to the building <br /> foundation because of the close proximity of the addition to the west side of the <br /> courthouse (less than 12'). <br />5. Additional cost of connecting link, length and angles. <br />6. Schematic plans would have to be reworked to accommodate the connecting link <br /> and other spatial relationships. <br />7. Added vertical circulation costs between 2nd and 3d floors for judges. Before a ramp <br /> and lift could be used, by moving the addition closer only an elevator as a primary <br /> source of movement would be wise. <br />8. The issue of horizontal circulation between the sheriff's residence and any addition is <br /> still an issue because of the close proximity of the addition and residence to one <br /> another and the floor elevations not matching up with the courthouse as previously <br /> stated. <br />9. All service parking has been displaced, only prisoner transport and deliveries could <br /> happen at the north end of the building. <br />10. Eliminated any continuous pedeswian way at ground level on the south side (except <br /> the public sidewalk) of the campus. Parking is fight up to the building with little or <br /> no green space on the southwest comer of the campus. <br />11. The suggestions forwarded seem to give little consideration to anything except the <br /> idea of attempting to save the sheriffs residence, additional design efforts would be <br /> necessary to make everything work together without any compromises. <br />12. Massing relationships of the Courthouse, new Courthouse west addition, sheriff's <br /> residence and Annex are challenging. <br /> <br /> <br />