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Commission Minutes--January 22, 2003 2553 <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir said bids were opened last week for demolition of the jail and sheriffs <br />residence. The demolition, electrical and mechanical work, replacement of the generator <br />and other items included as part of the demolition and getting ready for reconstruction total <br />approximately $500,000.00. The bid award was removed from yesterday's commission <br />agenda pending today's visit from the State Historical Society. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoganson talked about the county's early planning process, which began in about 1999, <br />and consisted of several committees involving people from the community and the <br />courthouse neighborhood. He explained the three options which the county considered in <br />2001 prior to deciding on Option C, which includes demolishing both the former jail and <br />sheriff's residence. This option would cost an estimated $1 million less than the cost of <br />refurbishing and reusing the existing structures for offices or courtrooms. <br /> <br />Mr. Paaverud commented that the county has done a tremendous amount of planning, and <br />he said the Cass County Courthouse is certainly a landmark. Mr. Wagner said the county <br />has spent a considerable amount of resources in keeping this campus viable. Mr. Paaverud <br />asked if Federal funds would be used in the project, and Mrs. Johnson said they would not. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Mr. Paaverud on the timeline for building a replacement <br />facility, Mr. Montplaisir said it would depend upon the eventual design of the structure and <br />the availability of funds. Mr. Paaverud said he would like to see the mitigation plan and <br />details of the items being considered for salvage from the former jail and sheriff's residence. <br />Ms. Swenson will provide examples of what has been done in the past for recording the <br />history of a building before it is torn down. <br /> <br />Mr. Paaverud said they will digest all of the information provided today and will expedite a <br />response after formulating some suggestions and recommendations on the project. <br /> <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Mr. Wagner invited public opinion from individual citizens in the audience. Comments were <br />received from Jens Tennefos, John Strand, Rita Traynor and Jeannette Stanton opposing <br />demolition of the old jail and sheriff's residence. Mr. Strand suggested "mothballing the <br />buildings" until a future use is determined, rather than being in a hurry to tear them down. <br />He asked commissioners to have an open mind and listen to the concerns of citizens. <br /> <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br />In closing, Mr. Wagner thanked the representatives of the State Historical Society for <br />touring the buildings and meeting with commissioners today. He also thanked the citizens <br />for attending. The meeting adjourned at 3:20 PM. <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />[/libhael M°ntplaisir -' Auditor <br />Cass County, North Dakota <br /> <br />APPROVED: <br /> <br />Cass County Board of Commissioners <br /> <br /> <br />