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Commission Minutes--January 22, 2003 2552 <br /> <br />SPECIAL MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />AND STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY REPRESENTATIVES <br /> CASS COUNTY COURTHOUSE, FARGO ND <br /> JANUARY 22, 2003 <br /> <br />MEETING TO ORDER <br />Cass County Commission Chairman, Scott Wagner, called the meeting to order at 11:30 AM <br />in the County Commission Room, Cass County Courthouse, with all members present as <br />follows: John Meyer, Robyn $orum, Darrell Vanyo, Vern Bennett and Scoff Wagner. The <br />following were also in attendance: Merlan Paaverud, State Historic Preservation Officer, <br />Tom Linn, Architectural Project Manager, and Fern Swenson, Director of Historic <br />Preservation Division of the State Historical Society of North Dakota; Attorneys Birch <br />Burdick and Robert Hoy; Amhitects Terry Stroh and Rick Hoganson; Auditor Michael <br />Montplaisir; County Coordinator Bonnie Johnson; Jim Thoreson, Sheriff's Department Chief <br />Deputy; approximately 20 Cass County citizens; and local media. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner stated the purpose of the meeting is for an information session between the <br />County Commission and the State Historical Society where both sides could share ideas <br />concerning the future of the former jail and sheriff's residence. He said the group would <br />tour past renovations in the Courthouse itself, followed by a walk-through of the old jail and <br />sheriff's residence. In view of the number of citizens present, Mr. Wagner said there will be <br />two tour groups today, and he will set aside 15-20 minutes of time for public comment at the <br />end of the meeting. <br /> <br />TOUR COMPLETED, Discussion held <br />After the tour was completed, and lunch provided for the meeting participants, Mr. Wagner <br />called upon Mrs. Johnson to provide background information on the county's study process <br />up to this point. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson began with the county considering options for the new jail, which is located at <br />450 34th Street South in Fargo, and she gave a detailed account of how the county reached <br />its decision to build a new jail and demolish the old one, with plans for a replacement facility <br />at the site of the old jail and sheriff's residence in the future. <br /> <br />Mr. Thoreson talked about public safety and security concerns because prisoners are now <br />brought to the courtrooms via public hallways. A contemplated new facility would have <br />separate hallways for moving prisoners from a secure transport area to the courtrooms to <br />keep inmates away from victims and families. In addition, he said secure holding areas are <br />needed for prisoners transported from the jail while they are awaiting their turn in court. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir talked about the one-half cent sales tax that was used to pay for the new jail, <br />as well as the county's future building fund for a west-side addition. The North Dakota <br />Legislature has been approached about providing funding for future Cass County <br />Courthouse expansion to help pay for District Court space in the building. Municipal Court <br />is also included in the future building plans for a "one-stop shopping" court concept. <br /> <br /> <br />