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<br />C~ c rt i Ii cat ion <br />J hl'rl'b.r l'ert~ll' thllf <br />. I a ttell1ptcd to contact R.onnic Lee J oy~ the property ov./nCL via tc Ie-phone ~ ccrtitied tllai L and actual <br />\'isits to the ~ite. hut have nut heen ahlc to reach neither hin1 nor his spouse. ~rhererorc. I inspected <br />and photographed the? prop~rt:y on .'\prll 4. ~OOS. <br />· -rile statenlen ts of fact contained in t he report JfC trut.' and correct. <br />· -rhe rcpo[1cd an~ly'~es~ opinions and cone I u~ions a re Ii llli ted only by t he reported assunlptions~ <br />] i [11 it ll1g cond it inns and lega I i nstnlct ions~ and are 111Y persona I un hiased pro t'essional ana I ysi s~ <br />opi n ions a nd cone J us ions. <br />· I ha\'l? no present or prospecti\'c lnteresl in the properly appraised and no personaJ inter('st or blas <br />\\'ith respect to the' partics j tlvoJ\'ed. 'rhe cOIllpc-nsal ion recei \'~d by nlY office for the appra isa l 0 f the <br />suhj c-ct is not cont i ngel1t on the analyses. opin ions or cone l usions rcae hed or reported. <br />. I \\-'ill not reveal nl~l findings and results oCthe appraisal to any'one othcrthan the proper officials and <br />\vill not do so until so authori7cd~ or untlll J111 required to do sO hy due process ()fla\v~ or until I anl <br />rc I case d t }&O 111 t his 0 hI i ga t ion by h a\"' in g p 11 b lie 1 y t est i fi cd as t () sue h tin din gs . <br />· l~he appra isa l \vas 'Hade and t he appraisal report prepared i 11 con fonni ty \\.i th the U nj fortn Standards <br />for r:- edera l LJnd .~cqui 5itions. <br />· '1'11(" appraisa l \vas a Iso Inade and prcJxlred in con Conl1ity \\:'ith the l\ ppra isal Foundation ~ s lJ ni fonll <br />Standards 0 r Pro leSSlona I /\ppra isa l Practice ~ except to the extent that the lJ ni fOrIn J~ppra isal <br />Sta ndards for I :cdera l L3nd /\cqu isit ions. adopted L)ccetnber 20~ 2000~ requires invocat ion of <br />l,' SP/\P' s Juri stiiet iona I Except lon Rule ~ \V h IC h is dcscril1cd in Section L)-l ofthc l.J n it()nl1 j\ppraisal <br />Standards l()r r~deral I_and .i\cquisitions. <br />. 'I'll i s ccniiicatc con fornls to the cc-rtiticat ion noted in the lJ 11 i fornl ...\ppra 1 sa] Stanuards for Federal <br />Land !\cq U l si 1 ion s~ adopted Dccenlber 20. ~OOO. <br />. :\n:.' d~cn:ase or i ncrcusc i t1 thL~ 111 a rket va lue of t he- property! prior to tht.~ dale of va 1 unl ion caused h).: <br />the public inlprO\'eI11ent for \vhich such prop~rt)! is acquired. or by the likelihood that the propeny <br />\\'ollld be acq II ired for SllC h i [nproverllenL other than that due to physica1 detC"rloration \\.it h 1 11 the <br />reasonable control of the o\\'ner~ has bc~n disregarded in detennining the hasi~ OfC0I11penSalion for <br />that propeny. <br />· '1'0 t he best () r nl)/ kno\v ledge ~ no portion or the \"al ue assigned to Slle h prop<.?rty con~ist~ of ~uc h <br />i lell1S. \\.h ic h arc nOl1COlllpensable under appropriate e~tahl ished I a \v. nor ha vc rclocat ion bcncfi t s <br />been considc-red. <br />. \1y' professional quali fications are located in the addendul11 of this report. ...\s I Jll1 an /\ssociate of <br />the .\ppra 1 sa I I nst 1 t ute ~ the use of th i s report is subj eet to the rcq u i renlents of t he >\ppraisall nst it ut(\ <br />rl? lati ng to rc\.j C\v by its clul ~y authorized rcprcscnt3tlvc( s) <br />· Based upon th lS independent appraisal and the exerci s(' of profcssiona I j udgnlcnt. it is nlY op in ion. <br />lhat as of .:\pril 4~ 2005, the fee sinlpIe lllarkct \'alll~ of the larger parceL the fel? silllpIe 111arkct \.'all1t.~ <br />of t h~ renla 1 ndcL and the di fferencc oet\\\?cn the t\vo. r~presenti ng t he total taki ng and dalllages~ are <br />a~ fol lo\\-'s: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />PARCEL BEFORE <br />Parcel 9. Fee Acquisition <br /> <br />T atdl Value nf HlP Part Taken <br />REMAINDER AFTER <br />SJte Inmrovemenrs <br />Less Site 1m provem8nts taken <br />TOTAL <br /> <br />Estimated Total taking and Damages <br /> <br /> <br />~Z-7-~...5 ~ <br />/ <br /> <br />SICiNEl) / D~~-rE <br />R.osc ~1. H oct~'crt i fied raI Real Estate l~ppr(ll scr <br />Nort h Dakota ("'ert i fled (i'encral License +t 1 06~~ <br />\1 i nncsota e'ert l tied (Jeneral L lccnsc #4002095 <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCtATES <br />