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<br />Sunlnlary of Salient Fac1s and Conclusions <br /> <br />Project and Parcel Nos: <br /> <br />Pro.J eet ('1.1()5 l l: Parcel 9 <br /> <br />I )urposc 0 f the :\ pprai sa 1: <br /> <br />"rhc sole purpose of th 1 S 3ppra isa 1 is to esti lllate the [narket <br />value of the fee sin1plc interest ill the subject to be acqujr~d <br />Ll nde r 1 he prov i s i on S 0 f North I)a kOla and F cdcra I statutes, <br />and al so any cia lllages to the rerna i ndcr. <br /> <br />Intended l.,; Sc of the ,'\pprJ isal: <br /> <br />'rhe intended use of this appraisal is to assist the- (~ass <br />C' 0 Ll n t y 1-1 i g h \ \' a y" L) cpa rt 111 e n t. a 11 d pot e II t i ally. 1 heN 011 h <br />Dakota I)cpat1111cnt of 'I"ranSpO[1at ]on~ in t hei r <br />rCC0l11nlendat ion of cst i nlated just conlpen sat ion due as a <br />result of the part ial acqulsition. <br /> <br />Errecti vc IJa te of the- H.cport: <br /> <br />l\.pril 4~ ~005 <br /> <br />()\\'llC rs hip: <br /> <br />R.onnic- Lee Joy <br /> <br />()ccupancy: <br /> <br />Res ident ial <br /> <br />.\ddress: <br /> <br />.:.l X 0 5 1 ooth ~.\ \"~n ue SOll t h <br />~'Ioracc a N ort 11 f)akota .5 X04 7 <br /> <br />L&.\RC;ER P&,\R(~EI~ <br />Lega} I )cscri ptinn: <br />~50. X ~50' tract located in th~ S\\T corner of the SF I',~SF I. ~~ S~ction :2] . "r 1 J X~T ~ R4Y\\/ of the ~Th Prlnclpal <br />~lerid ian. ('ass ('ounty. ~;ort h IJakola: Parcel ;;64-0UOO-02] 50-000. <br /> <br />/\ re a : <br /> <br />] .44J acres <br /> <br />Zuni ng: <br /> <br />Flood Zune: <br /> <br />/\g P-] : :\gricuhur3l: Sl3nlcy 'ro\vnship <br />Zone B: (FIRrvl 3XO~5R O(H O(~: dated l-~-19(5) <br /> <br />('one 1 udcd 1-( ighest and Best l/" Sc: <br />/\~ \1 ~lcant <br />i~~ I 111p rn \'ed <br /> <br />Rural Resident ial <br />Single Fanlily Rural Residential <br /> <br />rst 1111ated l\1arkct \/allle ot' the I.arger Parcel <br />Sales (~omparison ...\pproach: <br /> <br />$] S~()OO"OO Of $12,500.00 pel" acre /Land only <br /> <br />R~:'-t..\I:\ IlF]{ I>.A\ I{C" E L <br />Lega 1 [)cscri pt ion: <br />~5()' x ~5()' tract located in the S\\/ corner of the SE1'<lSE l/j~ Section 21 ~ -ll.)XN~ R49\\/ of the Slh Princlpal <br />i\1crid la n~ ('ass ('ountv ~ North Dakota: Less the :< 3:2 ~ of the S65 a of the \\'250' ~ SE 1.<~SE I___.:'~. Sect ion 21 ~ <br />.1" l 3 RN a R49\V of the Sl~l Pri nc ipal Meridian. Sa id tract conta ins O. I X acres~ 1110re or less. <br /> <br />S !tt.~ ,\rea: <br /> <br />1 . 2 6 ..~- acre s <br /> <br />Zoning: <br /> <br />Flood Zonc-: <br /> <br />:\g P-l : /\gricu ltura I <br />Zone 13: (I~.I R M ?~R025 R on] Oc.~: dated =:-1-1(95) <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCIATES <br /> <br />.... <br />J <br />