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<br />14and \! aluc .-\nalysis <br />::.\gain~ the previous highest and be~t use analysis has concluded that the appeal and nlarketahility of the <br />rclna l nder i s unafh~ctcd by.' t he take: t hereCorc ~ the tllost cotllparablc vacant land sales are those used in the <br />hefore seL~tioll of this 3ppraisJ]. <br /> <br />I..a n d \' a hl(~ :\ n a Iy sis <br />/\gain~ the pre\'lOUS highest and best use analysis has concluded that the app~a] and nlarketability of the <br />rellla i noer is una ffcctcd hy the l;tke: t herefore~ the 111nst cotllparablc vacant land sales ar~ thost: used in the- <br />he fore ~ection of this appraisal. <br /> <br />l.26 acres x S 12.500/3cr(' :'::.: S 15~ 75().OO <br /> <br />\-Talua tion of the Fee Silnple ~.\cquisition <br />.1\ part ia l tak i ng is 011(" \\,'hercby.! the go\'crn ~l1ent physlcall y acqul res a part of the ra rger parcc l. The appra isal <br />proc~ss in this report has focused on the valuation of the fee sinlplc interest \vhich is the interest that \viII be <br />acqulfcd. -rhc fee Silllple acqulsition \\'il I neither reduce the fclnainder parcel to a non-econolnic rCll11KH1C nor <br />d i Ini n i sh the util ity of the renlaindcr as l nlproved, l'he appropriate 111e.asure or estin1ated .1 LIst conlp~nsation <br />for a partial taking is tht: di ftC-fence- bct\vcen the f3ir Illarket yalue oCthe entire parcel before the taking and the <br />t~li r nlark~t \"(.1 ~ ue of the re111a j nder tract i.l fter the taki ng. l-h IS figure autolllat lea l l Y 1 ne I udes the \'al lie of the <br />pa rt taken toget her \vit h an)".' so-c al led se\'erance danlages~ and \.vhi le it i ~ conceivahle t ha t the est i lllated <br />n1arket value of the rc-lnainder parcel fllay be reduced as (f resul, (~rrllt.! faking, the degree of reduction is in <br />d i rC'ct relation to any 1 iIllit i ng effects found in the highest <br />~ nd best USL~. C'a lculat ions for the fee sinlJl le acq uisltlons are as rollo\\rs~ <br /> <br />O. 1 X acre x S 12~500 iacre -.: S2 ~~5().OO <br /> <br />RE(~O r\T CILI~~~rl 0 N <br />'The ohjecti \'C 0 r this appraisal \\'3S to ~st inlatc the total ~~taki ng and danlages ~~ atlri hutahle 10 the ~l1hject due <br />t he fee acqu isi tion. (~a r('"rul considcrat ion \va~ gi yen to t he val ua{ ion nlethod~ enlployed. to an accurate <br />analys is of the subject parce 1 and its rcia led 1l1arkeL and to the possih le heneti ls and det rttllent s of the <br />proposed project. as set fort h under the provisions of thi s appra isa!. 13ased on the results 0 r that appra isa I <br />investigation and analy!sis~ it is Iny opinion that the respective 111arket value of the prop~]1y~ in hoth the Hbctorc- <br />and after" conditions. and the esti[ll~Hed total taking and danlagcs~ as of .'\pril 4~ 2005~ are cstin13tL'd as <br />for lo\\'s. Plc-ase note t hat the \'ariOLl~ account i ng tabu la t ions llsed in th IS report are not l nd ieat j ve of the <br />apprai sa] nl~t hods Llsed to det~nlli ne t he b~t()rc and after \',1lucs. <br /> <br />PARCEL BEFORE 1.44 ac(~ S 12,500.00 iac @ 1.00 = S 18.000,00 <br />Parcel 9. Fee AcquisWon 0,18 ac~@ 512.500,00 lac @ 1,00 = S 2.250.00 <br />Total Value of the Part Tak.en S 2.250,00 <br />REMAINDER AFTER 1.26 ac,@ $12,500.00 lac ~' 1,00 = 15.750.00 <br />S fte I mpro vement:i none <br />Less Site tmprovements taken none <br />TOTAL $ 15.750,00 <br />Estimated Total taking and Damages S 2,250.00 <br />PARCEL SUMMARY <br />Fee Acquisition. 9 0,18 ac@ $12.500,00 lac (0) 1.00 ~ S 2,250,00 <br />Stte Improvements AcqUired <br />Total taking and Damages S 2,250 00 <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCIA lES <br /> <br />19 <br />