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<br />P()Sl'-:\(~Q( 11 SI ~r I (), <br /> <br />Illtrnd uction I Scope <br />'rh~ prc\'ious analysi s addressed the subjecf S J11arke! val lie 1 n a ."before " condi tion~ prior to the taki ng of the <br />propert y for t he con st ruet j on of 1 he propos(-d project. Th i S 3na lys is req II ires that the renla i nder propc:rly be <br />considered as though the property hJS been taken: i.e.~ ~'after" the project is cotl1pleted. To cOlllpletc the <br />project the follo\\"ing tracts l1t.?eu to he ~}cqulred by thl~ ('ass (~ounty IlIgh\vay l)epartrl1t:n1. <br /> <br />1 Fee Simple Before <br />2 Fee Acqusit~on <br />3 Fee Srmple After <br /> <br />1 .44 acre <br />0.18 acre <br />1 .26 acre <br /> <br />'1'1le tee Slll1pl(' acquisition is a hypotheticaJ condltion~ or Olle that .'is t()llfr(lI~r f() ,,'fUN ex!.\'!S hut is .\.lIjJ!Jr)......ed <br />.If)!" flte !)UI"/}()SC ()(ollalys;s "( l.;SP..I\P, pg. .~). It is c leady required for purpos('~ of rcasonahlc analysis \\'ithin <br />the ~lppra 1 sal" S ohjecti ve and intended use: 1 hat 1 s the apprai sal of the subject l n the J Her condi tion" Exhi hi ts <br />located in the addenda identify the area of the fc-e silllple JcqLtisilion~ \vhich consists ora J2-foot strip taking <br />a long the south Jot line 0 r the subj eeL 'rhi s taki ng does nol ine lude any site inlprn\'cnlcnts. <br /> <br />Site Data <br /> <br />Physical C'haractcristics (Shape" Size" T()p()graphy~ Etc~): <br />'rhL' rCll1ai ndcr has not been sllrve:ycd~ hut has been c-sti I1latcd at a total of 1 .26 acre. 'rhe idc-nt dled larger <br />parce l has fron tage on ('ounty! Road ] 4, 'rhe overall tract is irrcgulaL bel ng generally:' horseshoe sha ped: <br />hO\\-"evt?L it cont i nuc~ to he cOlnparablc to 01 her large lot n,:.~sidcnt ial parcels in the area. No c hangL~s \vere <br />notc.::d i n th~ d ra i nage of the parl'eL its topography or its soils. In t he absence of a ~oi I tcsL the soils are <br />aSSUllled su ffi C lent to support cleve lopnlcllt. \\/ ith the e"\.c~ption () r dept h~ no 1 i nli t ing phy's ieal c haracteri sties <br />\\'ere appa rent. <br /> <br />Flood Plain Status: <br />F lnod I nSllrancc Rate rv1ap (F I R lv1) ('OllHlllll1 i t y!-Pan~ I No. .1XO:!5 X 00 I ()(': daled :2-~ -l995~ Zone ~). No <br />changes in thjs zoning \\-"ere noted. Flood insurance is generally not required for tl11Jt1ciog purposes: ho\vever. <br />indi\"idual asseSSlnents tllllst he [lladc. Flood plain status is [1 vltal cornponcnt in the Jppeai and llKlrkctahillty <br />l) r area propert iL~S. <br /> <br />Easement.. Encr()achnlents~ Jfazards and ~uisanccs <br />/\ title report \\'as not avallablc. \Vhilc utility easenlcnts Illi.lY he present the~y are considered froll1 the- <br />.'~tandpoint th~l they do not adversely.! JtTcct the value of the subject. No hazards or nuisances \Vere noted that <br />\\.oldd adv~rse l~y a neet the si te. <br /> <br />l i ti lities <br />~rhe Sl te is seryed by ruraJ \\"'~ltCL electric it y and Ie ]ephon~. l~he se\\'er s~./sh~nl is pri vale. <br /> <br />Building I nlpro\'cnlcnts: <br />'rh\? site tS inlprOvt'd \vith a single \vide 1l10hllC' honle~ garage~ hrecze\\'a:y and nli~cenaneous outbulldings, <br />'I'he current inlprO\'Cnlcnts Jre physically appropriate for this use. /\ cursory inspection of the huilding <br />inlprO\'C111cnts indicates l~lir to average quality (onstructioIL \vhich appears to be in generally t:lir condition. <br />,,"\ pre 1 i n1 i nJ.ry anaJys is oft he i [l1proved prorer1~y ind icates t hat no hu dd i ng i lnpro\'enlents \\."ill he l nc ludcd 1 n <br />the are~ aeq ui red. The si te is pa rt ia lly enc lased by a lllature she herbe l1. ..\ her physica l inspection of the site <br />and frotH the aerial photograph" it doe~ not appear that any tr~es \vi]1 be taken. <br /> <br />En \'ironnlcntal C~()llditi()ns <br />rrhC' \'~Il lie est i lllate } s pred icated on the aSSllIllptlon that no adverse en \'1 ronnlcntaI conditions exist (see <br />hnliting condjtions)a and thnt the subject parcel is .\~n\.'ironll1cntally clean"" \\.'ith respect to all federaL statc. <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCIATES <br /> <br />1 7 <br />