County Commission
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6423 <br />County Judge Donald <br />Cooke's return to <br />work disc. <br />Comm. agenda items <br />disc. <br />Cthse lawn sprinklr <br />system -Comm. was <br />given specifics on <br />each bid and accept <br />bid of Automatic Lawn <br />Sprinkler of Moorhead <br />NW Bell Telephone <br />granted easement to <br />cross C28 at RRV Fair <br />grounds <br />Cass Co. Elec. <br />granted permit for <br />temp. power line at <br />RRV Fairgrounds <br />subject to approval <br />of Co. Eng. <br />Salary adjust. for <br />prof. employees <br />Contract with Ottmar <br />Law Firm signed for <br />Public Def. mental <br />health <br />Comm. agenda policy <br />discussed and <br />motion of 1 -15 -85 <br />rescinded <br />Reed Twp. to receive <br />payment for Co. shar <br />of rebuilding twp. <br />road <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br />Mr. Larson suggested placing an item on next week's Commission agenda, when Mr. Wieland is present, <br />regarding County Judge Donald Cooke's recent return to work. Mrs. Stanton does not want an item on the <br />agenda next week, as she feels there is no point discussing it until after the hearing by the <br />North Dakota Judicial Conduct Commission on December 22nd. Mr. Larson asked about the appointment of a <br />temporary judge, which the Commission approved last week. Mr. Eckert stated that he understands that the <br />hiring of a temporary judge has been delayed. <br />Discussion on agenda items prompted Mr. Sondrall to comment on his inability to place items on the <br />Commission agenda. Mrs. Stanton felt that anyone can put items on the agenda, and she stated that this <br />will be discussed further. <br />On motion by Mr. Larson and seconded by Mrs. Stanton, the meeting was adjourned. <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />DECEMBER 8, 1987 <br />Chairman Alon Wieland called the meeting to order with all members present as follows: Jeannette <br />Stanton, Don Eckert, Oscar Sondrall, Ray Larson and Alon Wieland. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as <br />written. Motion carried. <br />Richard Offutt, Director of Administrative Services, presented new proposals for a lawn and <br />shrubbery sprinkler system based upon Toro or Hunter brand sprinkler heads. The bid of Automatic Lawn <br />Sprinkler of Moorhead in the amount of $5,795.00 specifies the use of Toro sprinkler heads, and the bid <br />of S &S Landscaping of Fargo in the amount of $5,947.00 specifies the use of Hunter sprinkler heads. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded to accept the bid from S &S Landscaping in the amount of <br />$5,947.00 for the Rain Bird sprinkler system. Mr. Eckert asked why the low bid was not accepted. <br />Mr. Mike Benson, a resident of Fargo and sales representative for the Toro irrigation products, asked the <br />same question. Mrs. Stanton stated that she is not familiar with the Toro sprinkler system, and also <br />that S &S Landscaping is a North Dakota firm. At the call for the question and upon roll call vote, the <br />motion failed with only Mr. Larson and Mrs. Stanton voting "Aye <br />Motion was then made by Mr. Eckert and seconded by Mr. Larson to accept the bid of Automatic Lawn <br />Sprinkler of Moorhead for the Toro brand lawn sprinkler system in the amount of $5,795.00. The motion <br />carried on roll call vote with four members voting "Aye Mrs. Stanton opposing. <br />Attorney Jonathan Garaas appeared before the Board on behalf of the Red River Valley Fair <br />Association and upon their recommendation, Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to grant an <br />easement to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to cross County Road 28 at the fairgrounds with a new <br />telephone line. Mr. Sondrall asked about the expense, and Mr. Garaas stated that it would be at no cost <br />to the County or the Fair Association. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Attorney Garaas also requested the County's consent to approve a request by Cass County Electric <br />Cooperative for a temporary power line to be constructed along County Road 28 at the Red River Valley <br />Fairgrounds. Mr. Eckert was not in favor of the placement of the line in the bottom of the ditch. <br />County Engineer Don Richards suggested submitting the request on the Road Department's standard utility <br />permit form. Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to grant preliminary approval for placement of <br />an overhead power line by Cass County Electric in the ditch along County Road 28 and to grant a permit <br />for same, subject to approval by the County Engineer. On roll call vote, the motion carried with four <br />members voting "Aye Mr. Eckert opposing. <br />Regarding 1988 salary adjustments for professional County employees, the Board determined to meet at <br />8:00 A.M. next Tuesday, December 15th, to discuss it prior to the regular Commission meeting. <br />Upon the recommendation of County Judge Cynthia Rothe, Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded <br />that the Chairman be authorized to sign the mental health public defender contract with the Ottmar Law <br />Firm in Jamestown for the sum of $4,200.00 for the year 1988. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Wieland noted that there was some discussion at the last meeting on agenda policies of the <br />Commission. He read a Statement of Policy adopted by this Commission on January 15, 1985, whereby all <br />persons and organizations desiring to make presentations to the Board provide a synopsis to the Board's <br />secretary by the Friday preceding a Board meeting, any exceptions to be approved by the Chairman or Vice <br />Chairman. He stated that if the other Commissioners feel that this is controlling the agendas, then they <br />should rescind this action. Mrs. Stanton felt it makes it too difficult for the public to approach the <br />Commission. Motion was made by Mrs. Stanton and seconded by Mr. Eckert to rescind the policy adopted on <br />January 15, 1985, in reference to the Commission agendas. Mr. Eckert felt the Commission should have <br />some type of policy for obtaining information ahead of time, when possible. At the call for the question <br />and upon roll call vote, the motion carried with Mr. Sondrall, Mrs. Stanton and Mr. Eckert voting "Aye <br />Mr. Larson and Mr. Wieland opposing. <br />Upon the recommendation of the County Engineer, Mr. Eckert moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to <br />approve payment of $9,000.00 to Reed Township for rebuilding of the township road in Section 30, as per <br />an earlier agreement between the County and the Reed Township Board of Supervisors. On roll call vote, <br />the motion carried unanimously. <br />
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