County Commission
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REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />OCTOBER 13, 1987 <br />Chairman Alon Wieland called the meeting to order with four <br />members present as follows: Jeannette Stanton, Don Eckert, Ray Larson <br />and Alon Wieland. Oscar Sondrall was absent. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Larson seconded that the minutes of <br />the previous meeting be approved as written. Motion carried. <br />A delegation was present representing the Cass County Historical <br />Society requesting the County Commission's approval to construct an <br />agri- display building at Bonanzaville. Mr. Al Spielman, President <br />of the Historical Society, stated that they are complying with a <br />written agreement dated some 20 years ago which requires written <br />approval of the County Commission and the Red River Valley Fair <br />Association. Mr. Ron Erickson stated that the Historical Society <br />plans to obtain bids on three different types of buildings, and he <br />stated that they would like to work with the County Commission on <br />this, rather than be at a standstill. <br />The Commissioners expressed concern over the need to develop <br />a long -range plan and the need for good communication with the <br />Historical Society. Mr. Wieland stated that the County Commission <br />does not expect to operate Bonanzaville but feels the County needs <br />to have some input. Mr. Eckert suggested that the Historical Society <br />should vote again on the proposed agri display since there has been <br />some controversy, and there was not a full Board present when the <br />building was originally voted upon. There was also some question <br />about the placement of a dozer on the Bonanzaville grounds, and Mrs. <br />Stanton stated that she is opposed to the present location of the <br />bulldozer and recommended that it be moved from that prime location. <br />Mr. Larson suggested a firm vote from the Historical Society on the <br />dozer also. Mr. Wieland asked the Historical Society to investigate <br />their liability insurance coverage, as they may not be covered under <br />the County's. In closing, Mr. Wieland suggested that they call him <br />to request time on the Commission agenda after they hold their next <br />Board meeting. <br />County Auditor Ordelle Brua presented a list of properties being <br />forfeited to Cass County for unpaid taxes. She stated that properties <br />remaining from the 1986 tax sale have been re- appraised at 20, which <br />has been the County's policy. Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton <br />seconded to appraise the property at the total amounts provided by <br />the County Auditor for lands forfeited to the County for unpaid taxes. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. A hearing on the <br />appraisal of tax forfeited property will be held on October 27th. <br />The Commission requested that County Engineer Don Richards place <br />a notice in The Forum and the Cass County Reporter emphasizing to <br />the general public the need for caution when burning fields or ditches <br />near wooden bridges and timber box culverts. <br />
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