County Commission
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and what is real property, and he feels that matter should be resolved <br />in Court. He asked about the time frame in which the County Commission <br />must act upon the abatement application, but Doug Herman stated that <br />he does not believe the 10 -day period mentioned in the statutes applies <br />to the time that the County Commission has to act upon an abatement. <br />He stated that he would sign any written document that the States <br />Attorney might prepare, if the County Commission felt it was necessary, <br />stating that Cargill Inc. would waive any time limit for the County <br />Commission to act. Mr. Larson suggested not making a decision until <br />the new appraisal is received and can be reviewed. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded postpone the <br />continuation of the hearing on Abatement Application #3848 for <br />Cargill, Inc. for a period of 35 days, until May 5, 1987, at 9:15 <br />A.M. Motion carried. <br />Upon the request of Mark Richmann, representing the Tower <br />Corporation, Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to extend <br />the closing date for the sale of the Cass County Annex building from <br />April 1 up to a 60 -day period, no later than June 1st, the Tower <br />Corporation to deposit an additional $20,000 in earnest money to be <br />paid no later than April 6, 1987, to be applied to the purchase price, <br />that 8A interest be paid to the County beginning April 1st on a per <br />diem basis until the date of closing; and that Tower Corporation be <br />allowed to store refrigeration equipment in the building. At the <br />suggestion of the States Attorney, the Chairman asked him to prepare <br />a written memorandum of understanding to be signed by Tower Corporation <br />and Cass County. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Glenn Ellingsberg, Disaster Emergency Services Manager, provided <br />the Commissioners with copies of a "Situation Report" on the Sheyenne <br />River flooding near Horace, which began last Friday. A Declaration <br />of an Emergency was signed by Chairman Alon Wieland on the date of <br />March 27, 1987. Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded that the <br />Disaster Emergency Services Manager be authorized to purchase 10,000 <br />sandbags immediately to replenish those used this past weekend, at <br />a cost of approximately $5,500 to be paid from the County Emergency <br />Fund. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that all additional <br />expenses incurred during the emergency situation with the Sheyenne <br />River flooding this past weekend be paid out of the County Emergency <br />Fund, these expenses being estimated at $5,000.00. On roll call vote, <br />the motion carried unanimously. <br />Upon the recommendation of County Engineer Don Richards, Mr. <br />Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the Chairman be authorized <br />to sign the "Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition" stating <br />that Cass County has obtained the necessary right of way for two <br />Critical Area Treatment projects on County Road 31 located in the <br />SE 1/4 of Section 23 and the NE 1/4 of Section 26, Harwood Township. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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