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the first six months of 1986. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton that no payroll deductions <br />be made for health insurance for the first three months of 1986; but <br />that deductions of $2.00 for a single policy, $5.00 for a single with <br />dependents policy, and $10.00 for a family policy be made each month <br />for the next six months; and that the Commission review the financial <br />position of the health insurance account for the last three months <br />of 1986. The motion carried on roll call vote with four members voting <br />"Aye Mr. Wieland opposing. <br />Upon the recommendation of County Engineer Don Richards, Mr. <br />Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to accept all bids for annual <br />supplies for the period of March 11, 1986 through March 11, 1987; <br />and instruct the Road Department to use the bids to the best advantage <br />of the County in cost savings. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />The County Engineer reported that load limits on County roads <br />went into effect at 12:01 A.M. today. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that the Chairman <br />be authorized to sign a contract with Dakota Bridge Company for bridge <br />replacement project BRO 9 (12) over the Wild Rice River near Wild Rice, <br />North Dakota, at a cost of $324,985.18. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the Chairman <br />be authorized to sign necessary utility permits with the Northwestern <br />Bell Telephone Company in connection with the bridge replacement <br />project BRO 9 (12) On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Upon the recommendation of the County Engineer, Mr. Larson moved <br />and Mrs. Stanton seconded to purchase a 1986 diesel crew cab pick -up <br />from Hall GMC for a trade difference of $11,870.00. On roll call <br />vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Comments from the Suggestion Box, one expressing concern over <br />employee parking upon completion of the south wing and the other <br />expressing concern over the need for an employee lounge, will be <br />answered by Scott Krueger in the next Employee Newsletter. Mr. <br />Wieland suggested referring the question of an employee lounge to <br />the Building Authority. <br />Mr. Robert Feder, representing the Cass County Bar Association, <br />appeared before the Board expressing great concern over the County <br />considering court recording equipment instead of court reporters. <br />A majority of the Bar Association members were polled last fall and <br />unanimously opposed the deletion of court reporters in the Cass County <br />Court. Mr. Feder stated that if the cost of court reporting is the <br />main concern, the County Court is a revenue producing area and should <br />be as cost-effective as possible. He suggested that the County Judges <br />review their cost schedules, and perhaps impose higher costs as a <br />portion of the punishment. <br />