County Commission
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Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that Vouchers No. <br />60,828 through No. 61,575 be approved and ordered paid. On roll call <br />vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded that Joyce Temenson <br />from County Social Services be authorized out of state travel on <br />February 10, 1986. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Discussion was held with Rudy Radke, County Extension Agent, <br />and Wally Eide from the State Extension Service regarding replacement <br />of 4 -H Extension Office staff. They introduced Mrs. Penny Dale as <br />a candidate for Cass County 4 -H Agent, and requested the Board's <br />approval to hire her and to pay 50% of the salary, or <br />$11,500.00. Cass County was paying $7,460.00 annually for the <br />previous 4 -H Agent. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the Commission <br />approve the hiring of Penny Dale to replace Helen Liuska as 4-H Agent. <br />Discussion was held. Mr. Larson felt the Commission should determine <br />where the additional money will be paid from before approving the <br />position, and he questioned whether the position could be half -time <br />instead of full -time. At the call for the question and upon roll <br />call vote, the motion carried with four members voting "Aye" and Mr. <br />Larson voting "No <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that Cass County's <br />share of the 4 -H Agent's salary be established at $9,480.00 annually. <br />The motion carried on roll call vote with three members voting "Aye", <br />Mr. Larson and Mr. Wieland voting "No Mr. Eide stated that the <br />State Extension Service will try to make up the difference. <br />Informal bids were received from the following for office screens <br />for the Sheriff's Department, Clerk of District Court and other areas <br />within the remodeling project and for the south wing: <br />Office Interiors <br />Fireside Office Products <br />Hannaher's Inc. <br />Pierce Company <br />Gaffaney's of Fargo, Inc. <br />Steffens Office Equipment <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the above bids <br />be referred to the Cass County Building Authority and to Scott Krueger <br />for tabulation and recommendation. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that Cass County pay <br />$30.23, which is 50% of the bill for expenses for a meeting held in <br />Casselton last week by the County Planning Commission. On roll call <br />vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />
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