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Commission Minutes--September 11, 2002 2502 <br /> <br />RECESSED MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />MEETING IN BUDGET SESSION <br /> SEPTEMBER 11~ 2002 <br /> <br />MEETING TO ORDER <br />Chairman Alon Wieland called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM with four members present <br />as follows: Donna Schneider, Scott Wagner, Robyn Sorum and Alon Wieland. John Meyer <br />was absent. Several department heads, county employees and the media were among <br />those in the audience. <br /> <br />BUDGET FOR 2003, Review of county departments and outside aqencies <br />Mr. Montplaisir summarized the budget changes made to date, and he said the <br />Commissioners committed themselves to reducing the budget by at least another $500,000 <br />in order to build up the reserve funds. <br /> <br />County Coordinator. Buildinas and Grounds <br />Bonnie Johnson offered to forego starting the carpet and floor tile replacement project next <br />year, at a savings of $60,000. This amount is for floor covedng replacement on first floor of <br />the courthouse, from the north end to the middle of the building. A consensus was reached <br />to leave that amount in the budget at this time and begin the replacement schedule in 2003. <br /> <br />Information Services <br />Mr. Montplaisir said this budget was prepared on the basis of the report that was presented <br />to the board by the North Dakota Association of Counties (NDACo). He suggested <br />continuing to contract for the services of NDACo, rather than hiring an Information Services <br />Coordinator, and possibly hire another PC technician instead. This item could be discussed <br />again at a later time as it would not change the overall budget amount. The board was in <br />agreement that no changes be made in the technology budget. <br /> <br />Auditor <br />Mr. Montp]aisir said the new filing system and vault remodeling in his budget, in the amount <br />of $20,250, could be postponed another year. The board was in agreement to remove this <br />amount from the Auditor's budget. <br /> <br />Concerning election equipment, Mr. Montplaisir plans to purchase 22 ballot scanners for a <br />total cost of $114,400, with the City of Fargo and the Ci~ of West Fargo reimbursing <br />$46,800 of that amount. It was the consensus of the board not to change this request. <br /> <br />Treasurer, Tax Director, County Recorder <br />None of these department heads were present, however, the board did not find any major <br />items added since the previous budget. Mr. Wieland said the only question he would have <br />is whether the revenue in the County Recorder's Office is estimated high enough, and the <br />board agreed not to change the amount. <br /> <br />Commission <br />The board agreed to allocate $1,000 to the Humane Society, which is the same amount as <br />this year. <br /> <br /> <br />