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<br />5860 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br /> <br />.....~.,~~~""..:;"'.,~~~~.:..:.."'=-'~==.--'-'- <br /> <br />.. - .--.. _n_ ...-. "._ .. _ '_.. ___.__...._..==_ __. _'on __ <br />___K.!!!!, _I;!T..I'.~!_".!.'.~!,.,~_O.... f."J!l!O'~Il....!l:,-__ ~~!~tll .. <br /> <br />- ----. .-- -- ..-.---. ---==-='===_~"r..__..__._ <br /> <br />I <br />Budget req. from! Mrs. Stanton moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that <br />Rape & Abuse ~buse Center, in the amount of $5,000, be received and <br />Center <br /> <br />- --...-. _.~.~~. <br /> <br />.'..___.. _.n.. _.. _.._,.._..,.._,,__._..,_.._.._..~ '_'.,_ _._...~_ <br /> <br />the budget request from the Rape and <br />filed. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Supt. of Schools Joan,Mikula, County Superintendent of Schools, reported that there is a room in the <br />re: office ~nnex wh~ch ~s not used very often by the Social Services Department and which would be suital <br />space for Spec. ~or her office and the Special Education needs. The Board authorized her to discuss this <br />Eduation 'space with Tom Jensen. <br /> <br />Co. Aud. auth. <br />out of state <br />travel <br /> <br />out <br />land <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. Hendrickson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the County Auditor be authorized <br />of state travel to attend an election workshop in Sacramento, California, on August 20th <br />21st. Motion carried. <br /> <br />On motion by Mrs. Wold and seconded by Mrs. Stanton, the meeting was adjourned. <br /> <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CABS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> <br />JUNE 6, 1979 <br /> <br />i Chairman Satrom called the meeting to order and upon roll call, all members were <br />!present. <br />, <br />! <br /> <br />An Invocation was given by Mr. Satrom. <br /> <br />Mr. Hendrickson moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting <br />be approved as written. Motion carried.' <br /> <br />i <br />Telephone Mrs. Stanton moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that the Chairman be authorized to sign the <br />utility ~tility permits from the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company along County Road 81 south of <br />rargo and in Section 10, Maple River Township. Motion carried. <br /> <br />! <br />County Road 2 Upon the recommendation of Steve Grindberg, County Road Superintendent, Mrs. Wold <br />to be re-shaped moved and Mr. Hendrickson seconded that County Road 2 be re-shaped and graveled by the County <br />and graveled by rOad Department, rather than hiring the work done as discussed lastweek. Motion carried. <br />County crews I <br />D on 1 ts Mr. Bill Selberg' appeared before the Board along with Duane Grimstvedt, who appeared <br />isc. cu ver1ast Wednesday, concerning additional culverts under County Road 17 north of West Fargo in <br />north of West I, . . <br />F on C17 ~eed Townsh~p. Mrs. Wold moved and Mr. Hendr~ckson seconded that Mr. Gr~ndberg contract the <br />argo iSoutheast Cass Water Management District regarding the situation and that the matter be <br />~rought back to the County Commission. Motion carried. <br />I <br />i Mr. John Gunkelman and Bill Schlossman appeared before the Board to propose that the <br />'County consider renting office space in the former Blue Cross-Blue Shield building on 8th <br />Street and 3rd Avenue South. Mr. Sondrall stated that the square footage would be the same <br />.size as what the County is proposing for an addition to the present Courthouse. The Board <br />!stated that they would be agreeable to looking at the building, but Mrs. Wold felt it should <br />:be considered only as an alternat~ve :if the County's plans for an addition do not materialize. <br /> <br />NW Bell <br />granted <br />permit <br /> <br />Disc. on County <br />considering <br />renting former <br />Blue Cross-Blue <br />Shield building <br /> <br />Delay names to Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Bondrall seconded that the Board postpone the nominations <br />be submitted to ,for the County Social Service Board terms which expire July 3lst until next Wednesday. <br />St. Soc. Servo Motion carried. <br />! <br /> <br />Report by Reg- <br />ister of Deeds <br />on microfilming <br /> <br />Rd. Supt. to <br />adv. for bids <br />for trucks <br /> <br />i Deanna Kensrud, Register of Deeds, reported that she has been viewing several types <br />'of microfilming systems and in talking with the County Auditor, they both feel that the time <br />ito incorporate a new system would be at such time that the County may be furnishing other <br />~ffice facilities, as in being discussed by the County Board. <br /> <br />I <br />, Cynthia Rothe, States Attorney, informed the Board of the law relating to the purchase: <br />pf County Road Department equipment. Mr. Hendrickson moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that Mr. <br />iGrindberg be authorized to advertise for bids for the lease-purchase of trucks for the Road <br />!Department. Motion carried. <br /> <br />St. Atty. auth. Mrs. Stanton moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that the States Attorney be authorized out <br />out of state ~f state travel to Houston, Texas, on June 9th - 16th to attend an ,Executive Prosecuter <br />travel ~ourse at the University of Houston. Moiion carried. <br /> <br />Union Atty. <br />Hilden apprd. <br />re: wage <br />increases & <br />conditions of <br />employment and <br />also disc. Juv. <br />Detention Home <br />personnel <br /> <br />Gambling Permit <br />issued to Cen- <br />tennial Lions <br />Club during <br />Fair <br /> <br />Union Attorney Ronald Hilden appeared before the Board with respect to wage increases <br />'and conditions of employment for the Sheriff's deputies. He asked to be informed when the <br />~oard holds the budget hearing for the Sheriff's Department to go into further detail with khe <br />~oard on the deputies' proposals. <br />\' <br />. Mr. Hilden also addressed the Board on behalf of the Juvenile Detention employees. <br />He stated that the employees have signed membership cards to join the union, and Mr. Hilden <br />!:stated that he would invite an election if the County would so wish. He reported OIl a <br />proposed new pay scale for the Detention Home personnel and stated that he will furnish a <br />'copy to the County Commission. <br />I <br />! Mr. Hendrickson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the Board approve the application <br />~or a gambling permit for the Centennial Lions Club for Bingo and Pull tabs in the Arcade <br />~uilding at the Red River Valley Fairgrounds on July 7 - 13, 1979. Motion carried. <br />
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