3. Abatement/Orville Iwen
County Commission
Regular agenda
3. Abatement/Orville Iwen
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INVESTIGATION OF ABATEMENT APPLICATION <br /> <br />ABATEMENT NO. 4110 <br /> <br /> Following is a report on the investigation of the abatement application of: Orville Iwen <br /> Cass County Board of Commissioners and State Tax Commissioner: <br /> <br />The applicant is as!ring that the 1997 valuation on three tracts of farmland be reduced 50%, due <br />to loss of crop fi.om drainage and flooding. The land in question is the NE 1/4 and NW 1/4 of <br />Section 12, Amen/a Twp. and the NE 1/4 Section 20, Wiser Twp. Attached with the abatement <br />application are letters addressed to Mr. Wieland and the County Auditor and two letters from <br />NDDOT to Orville Iwen. <br /> <br /> The Amenia Twp. Board and the Wiser Twp. Board recommended denial of the abatement. <br /> <br />I v/sited with Orville on August 21 and inspected the parcels in question. The land in Amenia <br />TWP. is bordered on the west by State Hwy 18 and on the north by Cass Co. # 4. According to <br />Mr. Iwen, water drains from the north and then either follows Co# 4 and runs east on the north <br />side of the road or follows further south along the kighway ditch and railroad tracks. Water <br />fi.om the north side of Co # 4 runs through two culverts under the road and inundates the Iwen <br />land on the south side. Also, water flows out of the Highway # 18 ditch and railroad ditch and <br />backs onto the Iwen land on the west side (see map). Drainage has increased in recent years due <br />to wet years and due to more ditching. <br /> <br />I reviewed the value of farmland in the neighborhood. The farmland is valued at approximately <br />the same rate. The detailed soils survey map indicates that the neighboring land has the same <br />relative productivity. The NDCC states that assessors should rely on detailed soils surveys to <br />determine the relative values of agricultural land. <br /> <br /> It appears that the abatement appeal is more ora water drainage issue than a land productivity or <br /> valuation issue. It would appear that most of the problem could be solved by installing a gate on <br /> the Co # 4 culvert and by installing a berm along the west edge of the field. <br /> <br />The land located in Wiser township has a culvert that hms into a legal drain. However, at times <br />the water backs through the culvert. Some of the problem could be alleviated by installing a <br />backflow gate on the culvert. The soils maps indicate that most of the land is similar and the <br />values are also similar. <br /> <br />Although I can sympath/ze with Mr. Iwen's situation, I cannot recommend a r~duct/on in <br />valuation at this time. NDCC 57-23 Proceedings to Abate or Refund Taxes does not provide <br />for abatement to land because of flood; only to improvements. The situation is a water <br />management issue, and not a valuation issue. The burden of proof is on Mr. Iwen to show that <br />the problem is chronic and is incurable. I would recommend that Orville work with the water <br /> <br /> <br />
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