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<br />Commission Minutes-May 6,2002 2439 <br /> <br />16. <br /> <br />ABATEMENT APPLICATION, Denied for Orville Iwen <br />Frank Klein, Director of Tax Equalization, provided a report on the investigation of abatement <br />application #4221, submitted by Orville Iwen for property located in Wiser Township. Mr. Klein <br />recommends denying the abatement on the basis that the land in question is valued similarly to <br />surrounding land, the soils maps indicate the land is similar to the surrounding land, and the <br />ratio study indicates that the county is not over-assessing this land based on the sale of the <br />property in October of 2000. He said it appears the new landowner or operator has improved <br />the drainage of the land. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Mr. Iwen received notice of today's hearing and was present to provide further verbal and written <br />testimony on why he believes the abatement should be approved. He cited continual loss of <br />crops from flooding and poor drainage as the reason for requesting the tax abatement. The <br />abatement application is for the years 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000; however, Mr. Klein said the <br />law would only allow the board to consider the 2000 taxes in this case. <br /> <br />Numerous discussions have been held in the last few years between Mr. Iwen and the Water <br />Resource District with suggestions on drainage improvements he could make to his property. <br />Mr. Klein said the new property owner cut laterals into the field allowing the water to run into the <br />township ditch, which then runs north into the drainage ditch, and that work needed to be done <br />when Mr. Iwen owned the property. Mr. Klein said he recognizes the land has drainage <br />problems, and that is reflected in the valuation. <br /> <br />Mr. Iwen asked if there is any further appeal if the Board denies this abatement application. Mr. <br />Klein said he could appeal to the District Court and the Supreme Court, and he suggested that <br />_ Mr. Iwen consider hiring the services of an attorney to assist him. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland asked if Mr. Iwen was aware that there was a drainage problem when he purchased <br />the land, and Mr. Iwen said he knew that because the other quarters in the section had crops on <br />them and his did not. He said that was all he could afford to buy. Mr. Wagner said it appears <br />the sales price, which Mr. Iwen received for the land, bears out the assessed valuation. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded to deny abatement <br />#4221 for Orville Iwen for property located in Wiser Township. On roll <br />call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Iwen asked if he should provide copies of additional information to each Commissioner for <br />an upcoming abatement hearing on property located in Amenia Township. Mr. Klein said it is up <br />to Mr. Iwen to provide whatever information he wants the board to review at the time of the <br />abatement hearing. Mr. Wieland said he could provide as little or as much information as he <br />wanted. Mr. Montplaisir had asked Mr. Iwen to provide copies of information fortoday's hearing <br />because he initially sent an entire box of paperwork and then wanted it back, so the county <br />returned it. Lisa McEvers, Assistant State's Attorney, said the statute does provide that the <br />applicant should present any information that the Commission may request. Mr. Wieland said <br />the Commission would not request any specific information and that Mr. Iwen could provide <br />verbal testimony at the meeting. <br /> <br />__ Mr. Iwen said the water resource district approved a five-foot dike for a mile on County Road 4 <br />right of way, and he also began talking about drainage on his land in Amenia Township. The <br />chairman asked Mr. Iwen to continue his discussion with Mr. Klein after the next item on the <br />agenda, and that will allow the board to proceed with the remainder of today's agenda items. <br />
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